Chapter 50: The chaotic plan

Start from the beginning

"All your siblings are home. Now I'll call Blake."

"Hi baby Boo!"

"Hello dumbass."

"As usual You're so sweet James."

"I try to be."

"Why did you call?"

"Go to my office."

"No. I am busy"

Daddy smirks and replied.
"I am so sorry to hear that. I'll tell Grey that you can't come to the office now to plan his proposal to Sunshine because you are busy. Don't worry Blake. We understand."

"Wait. What?! Grey's gonna propose? No!! I am not busy!!"

"No it's alright Blake. We don't want to impose."

"No! I am joking! I am not busy!"



Daddy ends the call.

"He'll be here in less than 30 minutes. I assure you." Daddy said smugly.

"Thank you. " I replied.

Parker,Jamison, Ameera and Gabriel who was still in his pajamas arrived in the office.

"Did you just woke up Gabriel?"
Daddy ask.

Gabriel pouts and said "Yes. I am still sleepy though because I only slept 4 hours ago."

Gabriel went towards the couch to lie down. He used our father's thigh as his pillow.

A loving father as always. Daddy told Parker to get the blanket and pillow from my private room for Gab to cuddle with.

"You know your brother can not sleep if he doesn't have a pillow to hug while sleeping."

The rest of my sibling sits on the other couch.

Parker hand the blanket and pillow to daddy.

"Here's your pillow Gabriel." Daddy whispered.

Gabriel immediately snuggled on the pillow while Parker help our father place the blanket on Gab.

"Why is he always sleeping late?"

Daddy ask us.

"Gabriel was trying to complete his thesis in a week daddy." Jamison replied.

"Thesis?he's not even in his final year in Columbia right? Or am I wrong?" Daddy ask.

"Nope but Gab was bored. He thought taking Chemistry and IT at the same time was hard but he found it easy. So he requested the dean of both department to let him do his thesis in advance."

"Tsk. At this rate, I would have to finish my senior high plus law school in less than 10 years. It would be embarassing of I fail." Ameera whined.

''Princess don't worry okay? Finish everything at your own pace. Studying is not a competition on who finish first or who has received a lot of awards." Daddy said to Ameera.

"True little sis. I for example, after finishing my degree I plan to study business management so I can help big brother." Jamison shared.

"Will that make me feel better?" Ameera replied sarcastically.

"Of course! It means that we can graduate together! Look, I'll even get my Phd if you are still not finish in law school." Jamison proudly replied

Daddy shakes his head in amusement. "There's really something wrong to all of my children."

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