Chapter Ten

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Atuweni rolled over and faced the window. The bright light hitting her face and warming it up. She smiled before opening her eyes and then stretching. It was a good morning as far as she could tell.

The tranquility of the morning ended abruptly the moment she saw her phone. It was quarter to eight. She had totally slept in. Her mother would kill her. She quickly rushed out of bed and pulled a pair of sweat pants on and rushed out of the room wrapping a chitenje around her waist. The house was still quiet so she took her chance to go start breakfast and clean the house simultaneously.

When she saw that the house had absolutely no drop of water left, she put sweet potatoes to cook on the fire and rushed to the borehole praying that she didn't find a queue that would take forever and make her burn their breakfast that was left on the fire unattended.


Atuweni walked through the gate balancing the dual spout on her head.

"Ma! Help me put this down!" She called

Her mother emerged from the livingroom and helped Atuweni put the dual spout down.

"I've done the sweeping in the house, you can go ahead and mop it. I'll go make some tea before Lhomwe and Nafe wake up." Her mother said

Atuweni simply nodded and went in search of the mop and pail.

"Atuweni!" Her mother called as Atuweni gently swayed her hips to the music she was listening to whilst moping.

When she still didn't answer after two more attempts, her mother decided to poke her.

"Ma?" She asked removing her ear buds.

"I want to speak with you before Lhomwe and Nafe wake up," her mother announced

"Whats wrong ma? Is it more bills?"

"No. There's a rumour going around in the compound,"

"Ma, you know I never pay mind to the rumours people spread in the compound."

"Yes, you don't but i do because half the time they are right,"

Atuweni rolled her eyes, "and then I'm asked why i never want to live in a multiple house compound," she muttered to herself

"Atuweni the people say they saw something last night,"


"They say they saw you come home at two in the morning,"

"Yes i did come home late but it was at one not two,"

"That's not all I'm afraid. They say a man dropped you off. People are talking about us Atuweni. They say a man with one of those expensive SUVs dropped you off in the morning. They are saying they saw you and him conversing in the car and laughing as if you were old time friends and not strangers. What is going on Atuweni? Are you going around with a sugar daddy?"

"How could you ask me that ma?"

"Then what do you expect me to do? Praise the people that are talking about my daughter saying yes there's a possibility that she's going around with a man twice her age and could be a home wrecker?"

"Mother! I could never do such a thing. Yes i came home late last night, but it was only because of the party and you know very well that i went to a party last night. Maya and Niro got too drunk to drive me home last night so the host's brother dropped me off it wasn't a big deal."

"How old is this host's brother?"

"I don't know but the car is all because he is from a wealthy home not because he is twice my age. He may even be Nafe's age."

"Fine. If you say so I'll let it be. But mark my words Atuweni Cecilia Ntawa i will not stand for another illegitimate pregnancy in my house. Not under my roof! The moment that happens you go and find somewhere else to live!" Her mother shouted and turned back to do her work.

Atuweni hated nosy neighbours who couldn't mind their own business. So what if a man dropped her off at one in the morning? It was her damn life and it had nothing to do with them. She huffed and got back to work feeling the anger radiate off her.


Filler chapter i know😁 but all in good nature🙃
So nosy neighbours am i right,,, super annoying😡
Anyway you know the drill🙂 make the little star glow🌟
I love you all
Till next time


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