Chapter Nine

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Atuweni felt herself calm down. The tears stopped and she just stayed snuggled up against her mystery man enjoying how his body heat seeped through their clothes and into her own. It was really comforting to just sit there in utter silence and not feeling completely alone in the world. She loved the way he smelled. It was fresh n minty and still so sweet. His cologne smelt a lot like something from Avon.

She finally moved from his chest and looked up to me.

"T-thank you," she stuttered

"Its okay," he smiled down at her

"You're always saving me,"

"Its my pleasure,"

"I really want to clean my face,"

"There's a bathroom right there," he said pointing to a door on the room.

"Thank you," she said standing and going into the room.

She cringed when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her mascara was streaked down her cheeks in black stripes and her face powder was smudged. She splashed water on her face and when she was satisfied with her look, she wiped her face and then walked out of the bathroom to find her mystery man still seated on the bed. He looked up at her when she entered the room.

"You're still here," she stated

"Yeah. You removed your makeup. I love your face better without it," he said

She felt herself blush. He just complimented her. She finally took time to take a good look at what he was wearing. He was wearing a golf shirt with blue top part and sleeves and stripes below the clavicle. He had grey sweatpants on with black socks and grey cotton Louis Vuitton slides. He looked very casual for a party but looked amazing all the same.

He was sitting there with his arms folded across his chest. The way they were crossed made his biceps bulge out and the tight shirt only managed to accentuate his well tonned torso. She wondered what it'd feel like running the pads of her fingers on his torso. Would it be soft or just hard and tonned.

What the hell Atu? Stop day dreaming about touching have no time for men trouble. She thought.

When she looked back up at him, he was smirking at her.

"You're checking me out now?" He teased

"Oh please as if," Atuweni said rolling her eyes as she walked to the bed.

She sat down next to him.

"I didn't take you for the party type," he commented

"And you look overly underdressed for this type of party,"

He quirked an eyebrow, "what would you expect me to wear at this type of party?"

"I don't know. Maybe not slides and sweatpants. I cant help but feel that sweatpants give the comfortable homey feel most times and paired by slides, that's the full homey feel."

"So i look too comfortable for a party?"

"Exactly, even though I'm sure the price of your slides alone is more than my entire outfit," she said mumbling the last part.

"So what were you doing in here?"

"I just needed a break from the noise and everything. A moment of quiet and peace,"

He hummed a response and stayed quiet.

"And why arent you dancing with some girl or joining the mile high club or watching the game or getting high?"

He chuckled, "what do you take me for?"

"I take you for a party goer"

"Well its not too far from you. I also just want some quiet from everything including my own life,"

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