'Are you ready Prince,god of mischief'

Loki gives her a light smirk and they head into the ballroom.

Heads turned and some in shock with a gasp here and there. Everyone else had creams,gold,white ball gowns with long white gloves. To even wear dark colours was unimaginable. Odin glanced to see what the commotion was about and gave a deep groan.

'Of course, trust them to defy the ballroom rules' pinching the bridge of his nose he sighed.
Frigga was proud of the two, they were perfect for each other and she hoped they would both finally realise what they mean to each other.

As Loki and Y/N began to dance people were starting to form a circle around them. Some curious,others jealous, a group of girls were rolling eyes and chattering. Y/N noticed this and started to feel uneasy,Loki placed his hand on her back and she felt better. Now giggles were coming from the girls and Y/N started to feel annoyed,she has waited for this moment for so long and now it was being ruined by a group of girls who were clearly jealous that Loki refused their invitation to join them.

Thor stood, his hair now a golden flow of waves in his regal armour with his arms crossed staring at Y/N,he had to admit he too was a bit jealous but with Loki. Thor was always training and realised he too would like someone in his life to share with.
After the dance Loki went off in search of drinks and Y/N felt a slight bump in her back

'Oh, ever so sorry. Did not see you there, I don't even get what Loki see's in you either' the group of girls burst into laughter.
Y/N tried to stay calm and just turned round to ignore them.

' Ignoring me?!'

'How dare you ignore lady Linnea' a girl from the group chirped in.

Rolling her eyes she gritted her teeth, hoping Loki would be here within seconds because she started to feel her powers stirring. Even though she had started practising and improving with Loki's help it was still unpredictable and Apparently very powerful.

'Go run back to your shabby abode, to your mummy and daddy..oh no just mummy now is it not?' Linnea sneered.

'Poor daddy is in a field somewhere or has been eaten. Ah but I did hear the dark elves thin out the useless,making our race stronger' Linnea bullied.

Y/N had tears in her eyes,her father had fallen in a surprise attack from the dark elves army. The power in her now was violently flowing and she heard a chalice fall to the floor and faintly Loki's voice. Her surroundings were starting to become a sort memory, dizzy and sounds muffled. Candles began to flicker as Loki grabbed Y/N.

'Y/N, please, push it down. Do not think about what they said - it is just jealousy and know she is not worth you losing your control. Y/N look at me..'

Y/N mumbled and was trying her best to control the now surging power in her body. Fists were crunched into a ball and she seemed to push it down until.

'Oh your Prince to the rescue, like always' Linnea scoffed.

Y/N burst into a ball of fel energy creating a slight explosion around her and the group of girls including Linnea and Loki were on the floor and scrambling to their feet. The girls ran away in horror while Linnea gave the most unsettling grin to Loki before she turned around and walked off,calm as if this was her plan all along.

Y/N let out a scream and lunged at Linnea and pulled her dressed that it tore and she fell to the ground. Out of her dress she took out a dagger and Y/N started to laugh,

'Aw, are you crying Linnea? ' she teased

Linnea screamed for the guards while Loki grabbed Y/N's hand and took the dagger.

'Oh Loki, but I was gonna have some fun!' Her bottom lip quivered.

'Y/N, you know this is not right and my father is on his way. We need to leave now!' Loki's eyes were darting around for an escape.

'Count yourself lucky that Loki is here to save YOU Linnea, our next meeting will not be a pleasant one - I can assure you!' snarled Y/N.

With a flick of her wrist all the food and drink from the banquet flew around like a hurricane in the air and she looked at Loki who was impressed but also worried with the consequences she will have to face once caught.
Grabbing his arm she pulls him into the corridor heading to the gardens. They hear guards in the distance shouting and they both experience the thrill.

Laughing they head out into the royal gardens. There was a quiet place where it seemed to be forgotten, with the help of Loki and his illusion spells it was very easy to miss. They both jumped in a shrubbery when they heard footsteps coming closer. As the guards ran past they were both panting,staring at each other, studying the others expression and Loki touches the side of her face in which it began to soften and she felt her magic subsiding and became more calm. Loki always had this affect on her, no one else was able to calm her after she lost control of her powers.

'Thank you' she said breathlessly,Loki then places his forehead on her's

'I'm just glad your ok' he breathed

'Always am when your around'

There was a few seconds silence and Loki gently presses his lips onto her's she then kisses him back, it starts to become passionate and they lie down kissing with their hands exploring each others body until they were interrupted by guards.

'Get your hands off her' Loki snarled, surprised.
'How did you even find us here?!' he jumps up and his face falls when he notices Thor standing next to him.

'I am sorry brother,but father wishes to speak with her' Thor looked guilty.

'You bastard, I trusted you' Loki was hurt and disappointed. Turning to Y/N he cups her face.

' I will come with you, it will be alright'

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