Goemon| Struggles

Start from the beginning

"W-What happened?" She asked and Goemon held her hand. "You fainted," Y/n tried to sit up, but Goemon didn't let her. "No, stay down for now. Lupin, go and get her some water," Goemon said and Lupin nodded as he took the other sack and walked inside.

"Y/n, you haven't been eating again, haven't you?" Goemon asked and Y/n looked away. "Y/n..." The samurai sighed and looked into her eyes when Lupin walked back with a glass of water.

Goemon took it and helped to hold up Y/n's head as he handed her the glass. "Drink,"


"Y/n," Goemon said with slight anger and a lot of worry in his voice.
Y/n sighed and drank the water she was given and Goemon helped her sit up slowly.

"Let's get you inside," Goemon said and picked her up bridal style while Lupin took the other sack and the three walked inside to see Jigen on the couch.

"Hey, you're back, how are you feeling?" He asked Y/n as Goemon sat her on the couch opposite side of the coffee table.

"Dizzy... but I'm fine," she said and Goemon arched an eyebrow at her. "You're not fine, now stay here," he said and walked towards the kitchen.

A couple of minutes later, he came back with a toast. "Eat... slowly, in your own pace," he said and sat down beside his girlfriend who stared at the toast with a frown.

"Goemon I—"

"You're fading away, Y/n. You need to eat something," he said as old memories echoed around Y/n's head.

"I-I can't..." she said and stood up slowly and walked out towards her and Goemon's shared bedroom.

Goemon sighed and held his face in his hands.
"Didn't you get an invitation to a dinner in a couple of days, Lupin?"

"Yeah, how come?"

"You should take Goemon and Y/n with you, maybe if she sees others eat, she'll do the same,"

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. I'm not much for parties or dinners," Lupin shrugged and turns to Goemon, "What do you say?"

"It could work... I'll go and talk to her," he said and walked off.

Goemon knocked on the door and stepped inside to witness Y/n curled up in a ball on the bed, Goemon frowned and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.


"I'm disgusting..."


"I don't get why you're still staying with me," Y/n mumbled and Goemon sat down beside her on the bed and went to hug her.

"Where did these thoughts come from? Y/n, please tell me, why are you having trouble eating, where does these thought come from? I love you, and I can't help you if you don't tell me," He said and Y/n snuggled closer to him as she told him about her school years and family.

Goemon sighed when she was done explaining and he rubbed her back. "Y/n, you're beautiful just the way you are. As your... boyfriend, it hurts to see you like this. I want you to stay healthy so I can live my life with you... There is no human being who looks exactly like another, even twins have their differences, everyone is unique in their own way, and so are you," he said as Y/n cried silently in his arms.

"Tell you what... Lupin have been invited to a dinner in a couple of days and he is taking us... If you see other people in different types of size and shapes, maybe it will help you to eat as well," Y/n looked up at him with a slight worried frown and Goemon placed a kiss to her forehead, blushing slightly.

The two have been dating for 2 years but Goemon seem to never get used to call himself someone's boyfriend or kiss a woman.
Y/n sniffled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Goemon... for being here, and I'm sorry to bother you with... with my problems,"

"Don't apologize... we all have our struggles, yours just has to be with eating... I-I love you no matter what," Y/n smiled at his little stutter at the end and kissed his cheek. "I love you, too,"

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n took a deep breath as she was outside the building with Lupin and Goemon by her side.
"I-I can't do this..." she said and was about to turn around but Lupin grabbed her arm and dragged her back, "Yes you can, Y/n," he said and pushed her into Goemon's arms before the three began to walk towards the door, Goemon held onto Goemon's hand as they were escorted inside and Y/n gulped at the sight of the food table.

"Remember, everyone's different, everyone has their struggles, eat in your own pace," Goemon whispered and all the guests took their seats.

Y/n and Goemon sat beside each other while Lupin was sitting on the opposite side of the table in front of Y/n.

The host held a slight speech, calling out Lupin who's granddad apparently was a good friend of the him.

It was now time to eat and Y/n glanced over at the others who ate.
Y/n shakily took the silverware and held it up to her lips. She glanced up at Goemon who was eating slowly and Y/n took a bite.

As Y/n slowly and shakily went for another bite, she didn't notice the smiles on Goemon and Lupin, but especially not the smiles on the host and the other guests who's been warned by Lupin about Y/n's little struggle.
Lupin told them all just to make sure no one is pointing out that she's not eating, if Y/n knew about it. She would kick Lupin's ass but sooner or later thank him.

Goemon and Lupin shared a look before looking at Y/n. Happy their plan was successful.

Y/n ended up eating only a small part of her food but Goemon were happy... it was a beginning.

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