"I'll take my chances." Glenn sassed.

"I'm gonna have to insist hat you hold the hell up. All right, believe it or not, the fate of the entire damn human race might depend on it." Abrham says. The look on his face says it all.

"What the hell are you talking about?c Glenn seethes. "Who is this guy?" He says while looking at Tara.

"I'm Sergeant Abraham Ford. And these are my companions Rosita Espinosa and Dr. Eugene Porter. We're on a mission to get Eugene to Washington, DC. Eugene's a scientist and he knows exactly what caused this mess.

An uncomfortable silence took over for a while before Glenn spoke up, "All right. So what happened?"

"It's classified." Abrham says instantly. "He'd been talking to the muckety-mucks in Washington on his satellite phone. The past couple weeks, nobody's been picking up on the other end. We saw how you handled those corpses back there. We could use your help."

Glenn shakes his head, "Sorry."

He turned to the opposite direction of the truck, and started to walk away. Tara jogged over to him, and I saw a l look of belief on Rosita's face. It's a damn shame really. I think we would need Rosita, and Abraham on our team. Clearly not.

I let out a huff, and ran towards them to catch up. We started walking, but when I turned the squad were following us. God damnit.

"I had to get us off that road." Tara convinces. It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself though. "You were passed out, we were out of bullets. But I know how to get back to that bus. I wrote down every turn. I will get you back, I can, okay?"

"That's where she'd go to find me." Glenn states. "That's where I'm gonna go."

"It's a waste of time." Abraham interrupts. I had to take a double take, in seeing that he was now so close. Damn, he is a fast walker.

"Tara told us what went down. There is zero chance you will ever find your wife again. Alive or dead. Mainly because, sorry to tell you, she's gone." Abraham's words brought Glenn to a stop. Not because he was convinced, but because he was probably about to sock him in the jaw.

"No need for you to die, too. Now come on. Get back in the truck. Do something with your life. When the people we... we love kick... well, they disappear. Doesn't mean you've got to go out that way, too." Abraham finishes.

I took a step back as Glenn dropped his bag, turning round slowly. He looked at Abraham dead in the eye, before bringing his fist back, before punching Abraham with such a force, that it sent him flying to the ground.

"She's alive and I'm gonna find her." Glenn says grabbing his bag.

"You son of a bitch!" Abraham shouts.

Everything seemed to fall into slow motion as Abraham took of running to Glenn.

Rosita and Tara started to yell, and I began to bark like a feral dog with a mindless instinct driving me on.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Abraham!" Rosita screams.

I dashed in, trying to help in any way I could. I started snapping at his fists, every time he punched Glenn.

"Hey, get off him. Come on." Tara tried to yank him off, and only resulted in falling on her arse. I jumped up and tried to throw him off, but I stumbled back. I caught my balance, just in time.

"You don't want this, Abraham." Just as this was said, Glenn launched Abraham onto his back, but he still kept his death grip on Glenn.

"Let me go!" Glenn yells.

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