Chapter Nine

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The next day was better for (Y/N). It was nice to get his feelings off his chest. It wasn't the ideal situation or anything, but it didn't matter. Talking was nice.

He had seen Dylan that morning for breakfast. Dylan was... different, when they were around other people. He was louder, for one. He talked more, as well. (Y/N) didn't mind it, but he liked him better when they were alone.

He hadn't seen him the rest of the day. He was busy. Chris had pulled him aside and reminded him what tonight was. So for the rest of the day, (Y/N) was a mess. He was anxious and worried for tonight. He'd never been here during that before. He left a week before Caleb turned for the first time. Chris told him he'd drop him off at the police station while he got himself chained up in the house.

It was dinner time. (Y/N) had planned to just sit in his room until everyone left and then leave with Chris. But he thought about Dylan. He would probably be looking for him, right? The thought of Dylan looking for him every night made heat come to his cheeks. But they were just friends! It was a platonic thing...

(Y/N) knew he wouldn't be there and Dylan might just keep searching for him. He decided he had to tell Dylan he wouldn't be here. So, he tried to set his anxiety aside and headed downstairs, where kids and counselors were eating.

He saw his uncle first. He quickly walked over to him. "Chris-"

"Jesus!" Chris turned to him, surprised. "What are you doing down here? Is everything okay?"

(Y/N) realized that maybe Chris was worried something happened to the family. "No, it's all good. I... Just wanted to tell Dylan I won't be here."

Chris grinned slyly. "You two... Alright. You go tell him then meet me outside."

"Okay," (Y/N) said. He looked around for Dylan, seeing him at his usual table. And as usual, he was talking with Nick.

"No way..." Nick whispered, looking at (Y/N).

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Dylan replied, too busy eating to care what Nick was actually looking at. Nick nudged Dylan in the side. "Hey!"

Nick tilted his head in the direction he wanted Dylan to look at. Dylan rolled his eyes, but looked. His eyes widened when he saw (Y/N) walking over to him. He didn't know why, but he stood up, causing a few people to look over at him.

(Y/N) looked uncomfortable, eyes shifting to all of the people now looking at him. He wanted to just walk away, but that would be even more awkward. He walked up to Dylan. "Uh... Why are you standing...?"

"I have no idea," Dylan whispered back, a tiny laugh escaping him. "What's uh... What's up?" His heart was racing. Hell, it always was when he was near (Y/N). But right now, it was even faster because his crush caught him off guard.

(Y/N)'s eyes once more looked at the eyes watching them. Dylan felt bad for attracting the attention, but there was nothing he could do now. "I won't be here tonight... Chris and I are leaving for tonight," (Y/N) whispered quietly. Dylan had to really focus in order to hear him.

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, no problem." He realized what (Y/N) said. They were leaving? "Wait, you're leaving?"

"Yeah... Family stuff," (Y/N) explained. "Caleb and Kaylee left already."

Dylan looked around, realizing that they weren't there at all. "No shit, huh?"

(Y/N) laughed quietly. "Yeah, so um... I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, yeah. That's fine," Dylan said. (Y/N) smiled at him, quickly walking back to Chris. Dylan sat back down.

Nick laughed at him. "That was awful, bro."

Full Moon - Dylan Lenivy x M!Reader [The Quarry]Where stories live. Discover now