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Bottled Emotions & Past Events pt. 1


(Omniscient pov)


Because Maji was to be held in solitary, the past inmate was released. There were only 200 confinement cells and all of them were full so that person got out three days earlier. The confinement cells were separated from the others so they had their own block, a building on the other side of the quart yard. Remy had locked cuffs around Maji's ankles and wrists as he led him through gates.

Maji's head was low as the cold evening breeze nicked at his skin, his brown skin flushed with red. He sniffled and wiped at his nose, the chains jingling with the action. Remy looked back at him briefly before continuing forward. When they neared the door, two guards stood watch while another one was stationed above them.

Remy and the guards talked for a while before the familiar buzzing sounded through the cold air. Chains clinked when he walked inside, cells were littered on both sides, stacked from top to bottom. He followed after the man in front of him as he led him farther away from the door.

When he reached the end of the cells, he walked up the stairs connected to them. They walked down the second floor until they reached the last two cells.

Maji blocked out everything after that. He could hear the cell door opening and as if on autopilot he walked through, turning around so Remy could unlock his chains. Through the cloud he could hear Remy speaking to him.

"I'll be back in 4 weeks, the guards here will bring you your meals."

Maji didn't respond, when the cuffs were released from his wrists he walked away from the other man, dropping his bag at the foot of the bed before he stood in the middle of the room. He could hear Remy's footsteps as he walked away with his chains, sliding the cell door shut with a buzz.
Looking around the room on his left side, he spotted a small toilet a few ways beside the door, the sink connected to the top and a small mirror placed above it.

There was a small barred window in the middle of the room when you walked in and a shelf built in the wall a few ways away from the toilet. He sighed as the weight of his situation set on him, laying back on the hard mattress, he looked up at the bland white ceiling.

The cell began to get cold as his body recognized that it was alone, in this for four weeks he would have nothing but himself and his thoughts. In any case that would be fine but he dreaded his thoughts, he feared the memories that would float to the surface and the demons that swam behind.

He shook his head as he stared until his eyes began to weigh and flutter shut, even though he tried to fight the darkness, he was too tired to win. Darkness filled his mind and he succumbed to sleep.



Like the days before a boy was on his way home, well group home, he kicked rocks and held his backpack straps in both of his hands tightly as his eye throbbed. 'I hate high school' the boy thought before he heard a car screech behind him. He looked back, anxiety and fear immediately filling his body.

In an instant he took off running, he could hear the car right behind him and he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was too far away from the group home so he ran in the direction of his brothers apartment.

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