Chapter Eight - Are We Lovers?

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Leaving the café bar, you had sobered up a little bit. You were going down a road, it was slightly turning dark, but light enough for you to all still see. You head onto Chris' arm tightly, hating being out in the dark. He embraced this, by sliding his arm out, and putting it around your shoulders. You reached a random alleyway, which peaked the interest of the others. You weren't so sure, but followed, sticking by Puffer's side.

Keller brought his camera out, he has over the whole time, but you didn't feel comfortable until now to have photos taken of you, so the group dedicated this time for a 'photoshoot'. They were all very photogenic, managing to keep neutral faces, not looking awkward in anyway. You, on the other hand, have never been like that - you struggle to keep straight face, and posing is your worst nightmare.

"Y/N!" Tyler shouts, gestering towards him, "Come here, we're having a photo" you sheepishly walk over, rubbing the back of your neck.
"If you insist, I'm gonna look terrible though."
"You'll be fine, just shove your hands on your pockets, I know you love your awkward thumbs up,"
"We don't talk about the awkward thumbs up, Tyler" you look away, causing him to laugh. You slide your hands into your hoodie pocket, and you copy what Tyler does: turning his head slightly to the side, with his eyes following. You relax your shoulders, clearing your mind entirely. It'll be over soon.


You sigh, that was... stressful. Keller hushes you both over, but you decline to see the photo. You don't want to see yourself in the mirror, let alone a photo. However, Grizzy decided to pick you up and take you to Keller, "Stop resisting!" He exclaims, causing you to wriggle. "I don't wanna see it!"
"You look good!"
And then your eyes fall onto the photo. You didn't look too bad, and you didn't look like a random fan at a meetup, which were your biggest worries. More photos had been taken, with the whole group, in different combinations. You had photos with practically all of them, except Puffer and Keller. You glance at him while he was taking a photo, and you decide to chirp in.

"Hey Keller, do you want me to take some photos so you have some with the group? I always feel bad for the photographer."

No no, I don't mind," he responds.
"Are you sure? You don't need to be polite, I can take some, I did a photography course like agers ago," you comment, making him look away slightly.
"I guess I could. Thanks, Y/N," he replies, before instructing you on how the camera works. You quickly learn, and you let him get some photos with the guys. Tyler appears behind you afterwards, "Y/N, pass it here, and go stand next to Keller, you don't have any together," you follow his command, and you go next to Keller. He notices, then notices Tyler, and gets ready for the photo.

You both laugh afterwards, the reason unknown. Keller heads back towards Tyler, clicking through all the photos. "There's two people who, we all agree on, should have some photos together." He annouces, glancing between you and one of the group. You don't see who, but you smile, "Alright then," then heading towards Keller. You feel a hand planted on your shoulder, causing you to turn your head around.

You've not had any photos with Chris, and you hadn't even noticed.

He grins down at you, before looking back at Keller. "I'm willing," he states, rubbing your shoulder. You glance at Keller, "Yeah, I'm down," you add cautiously, before you both distance yourselves from Keller. You wrap a hand around Chris' torso, and he rests his arm across your shoulders. You both smile, allowing the camera to capture you both together. A few seconds pass, and you both hear these booming voices, "And now Kiss!!" coming from Droid, Smitty, Matt and Nelson in unison. You all laugh, before regaining focus. Chris moves his head down slightly, whispering, "We can if you want to?". You lightly nod, then you both look at Keller. You wink, and nod, before turning your focus back onto Chris. Glancing into his eyes, you can sense the excitement he's feeling, but also the fear of the reaction from the others. You link your lips with his, holding on for as long as you could.

Click. It was saved.

The group grew silent. You still held on, continuing to kiss the pufferfish-loving man. He didn't show any signs of resistance, so you stayed there. At one point, you pause for a breath. Eyes were still locked, heavily breathing filled the silence. "I'm sorry for holding on,"
"I don't care, I enjoyed it,"
"Why did I think you would say that," you giggle.
"You're crazy" he sarcastically comments.
"PUFFER'S GOT BITCHES" Smitty shouts, causing the whole group to erupt once more, and breaking the stale silence. Puffer indeed has bitches.

You glance into his eyes, he's still laughing like a mad man. He's so sweet, so charming, caring, loving. He's what you wanted, and more. The full package. If it wasn't for him and Tyler, you wouldn't of coped through this. You wouldn't have even been here if Tyler wasn't around. You want to show him some sort of gratitude, some sort of appreciation, but it's difficult at times. How do you gift somebody something who already has the money to get the item?

You snap back to reality, "Y/N? You okay?" Chris asks, concerned.
"Yeah, I'm... Okay" you look away, feeling anxious. The whole thing became overwhelming, having photos, the whole group being around you. You grow quiet, your eyesight going blurry, mind appearing blank. Gripping onto Chris, your breathing turns more shallow. Your legs failing under your weight. Collapse.


You hate anxiety. It strikes at the worst times, and it doesn't help that you're prone to fainting when it does strike. Moving your arms slightly, you feel a bed beneath you. A strange bed, one you've never felt before. Prising your eyes open, you come to face a far away ceiling, patterns dotted across. You groan lightly, and shuffle around a small amount. You have no idea what the time is, but you can tell it's still dark outside. Looking around you, you spot Tyler on a chair to your left. You try to sit up, catching Tyler's attention. "Let me help you," he mutters, giving you permission to use him to help you sit up, "how are you feeling now?" He asks, a wobbling tone in his voice. He has no idea that you can collapse when it strikes. Lightly nodding, his face relaxes.

"Is Y/N awake?" somebody shouts from the bathroom.
"Yeah, they are! Just not speaking," Tyler responds, causing somebody to rush out the bathroom. That person was Chris. "I was so worried about you," he stutters, "How are you feeling now?" You manage to put a thumbs up while he walks towards you. His eyes seemed bloodshot, and his eyelashes were slightly moist. He had been crying, but Tyler had no idea. He lightly kisses your forehead, still concerned, and he sits down on the chair opposite Tyler. "I'm.. sorry" you croak out, still exhausted from the fall.
"No no no, you don't need to apologise" Chris quickly states, still panicked. Tyler nods alongside, "There's no need to apologise for something you have no control over, Y/N. You're okay, and that's all that matters right now."

You carefully smile for a second, closing your eyes. You felt safe around Tyler and Chris. They only want to protect you, you can tell they have no negative intentions. Tyler has always been a brother to you; you were a single child, so he was always there as support. Any troubles, any situations, he was there by your side constantly. And Chris, he's been so supportive, even when he has no idea why you're like this.

When you gets close, you grab onto him, you lean in and whisper. "Are we lovers?" You ask, slowly and quietly. He lightly chuckles, smiling.

"I guess we are."


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