He'll Be Fine, Right?

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Hello there! I hope you're having a wonderful day or night! I didn't procrastinate this time because I don't have the time to do that. I'm trying to finish this chapter one week before the release date because I'll be very busy that week. I believe I'll most likely be busy the next 2 weeks after that, so you might get a shitty story in about 2 weeks, which is when the next chapter will be out. I do apologize in advance for that. I'll be quiet now so you can read this chapter. Please enjoy!

Genya's POV

It was quiet between us until Yuichiro spoke up. "Well, you're later than usual." Yuichiro pointed out. "What happened for you to show up this late?" I asked him. "He showed up before us." Muichiro mentioned. "I set my alarm for the wrong time, so my grandpa had to wake me up." he answered, sounding drowsy. "How does that even happen?" Muichiro questioned. "I set it to PM instead of AM, okay?!" Zenitsu cried. "Seriously?" I deadpanned. "It's not my fault!" Zenitsu cried. "It kinda is. You were the one that set the alarm." Muichiro pointed out. "Oh, will you please shut your mouths?!" Zenitsu begged us. "Alright. Accidents happen." Yuichiro shrugged it off. I only sighed.

"I have a strong belief in something." Zenitsu spoke up. "And what is that?" I Muichiro asked as he laid his head down on the desk. "Giyuu's gay." he spoke confidently, leaning back into his chair, smirking. "I agree with you." Yuichiro laughed. "He's gotta be gay." Muichiro said, sounding muffled. "There's no way that man is straight." I said. "There are all these girls who openly have a crush on him, and he's never returned those feelings." Zenitsu pointed out. "The bigger question, if Giyuu's gay, who's he gay for?" Muichiro asked. "I don't know." Zenitsu admitted, going silent. "It could be Sanemi." Yuichiro mentioned. Huh?!

"Sanemi hates Giyuu though." I spoke up. "He hates almost everyone. Plus, you and him most likely got the same taste in lovers." Yuichiro said, smirking. I flushed up. "What? You guys are brothers after all." Yuichiro mentioned. "But-, you know what, never mind." I sighed. "So you're not denying it?" Yuichiro asked, smirking. "Just be quiet, please." I begged. "Alright, fine." Yuichiro giggled. Muichiro then sat up right after that conversation. "Who else do you think could be gay in the group?" Muichiro asked, sounding curious.

"Do you think Obanai could be gay?" Zenitsu asked. "You sound crazy right now. He's gotta be straight." Yuichiro spoke up. "Okay, yeah, but he could be bi." Zenitsu said. "I think he's straight." Yuichiro admitted. "He's gotta be bi." Zenitsu whined. "Genya, what do you think?" Yuichiro asked. "We probably should've asked him first because Obanai is always hanging around Sa-," Muichiro paused, realizing something. "You good Muichiro?" I asked. "He could be gay for Sanemi." Muichiro thought out loud. Gay for Sanemi?!

"Why do you guys think people are gay for my brother?" I questioned as I put my head down. "Because it's, most likely, the truth." Zenitsu shrugged. "Yeah, your brother is the dream boy that most people want." Yuichiro mentioned. "Let's try to guess another person, okay?!" I sighed. "Okay, what about Shinobu?" Muichiro asked. "She's defiantly lesbian." Zenitsu answered right away. "I agree with you." I agreed. "I'll be shocked if she isn't." Yuichiro told us. "Honestly, same." I agreed. "I really can't see her being with a man, honestly." Muichiro admitted. "Mhm." Zenitsu nodded.

"How about-," Yuichiro was cut off by the bell ringing. "We have time for one more person." Muichiro shrugged. "What about Inosuke?" I asked. "I'm not sure." Muichiro sighed. "He's a difficult case." Zenitsu admitted, sitting up right. "Who knows." Muicchiro shrugged. "Let's just sit down now. I'd rather not get in trouble." Yuichiro said, sitting down in his desk. I just nodded and sat down. Not even a minute later, the teacher came in and greeted us. We greeted her back and they began to teach us.

The bell rang, signaling class was over. The teacher was handing out our homework for tonight. "Please turn in the homework by tomorrow. It isn't a hard assignment, I made sure of that." she announced while handing out the homework to the first person that was leaving. It can't be that easy. I suck at math, so most things are hard for me. We all got our papers before leaving class. "I'll be going now." Zenitsu excused himself. "Same. I'll see you later, Muichiro." I said. "Bye guys." Yuichiro spoke before him and Muichiro left. Zenitsu soon walked off. I went to my locker.

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