A New Week

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Hello there! In all honesty, I don't know what is going to happen in this chapter. I have more drama on that girl. I also have exciting news to share!! I'm so happy!! I was scared before, but I now know what will happen. The war is happening. Russia vs. Ukraine. If you side with Putin, get the fuck out of here! Call me heartless, I won't care, but I have no feelings towards this war. Absolutely nothing. I should shut up now. Please enjoy!

Muichiro's POV

A week as gone by. It's now Sunday. This feeling won't escape me. It won't leave me alone. I think I might be love with him. No. I am in love with him. The thing is, does he feel the same? That's the least of my worries at the moment. I gotta finish my weekend homework at the moment. The letters keep appearing in my locker. They're getting creepy. Once, I questioned why they were sending notes to me and not to Yui. We're twins, and they kept complementing my body, so I wondered how I was different. Later that day, I got a letter explaining why. Apparently, he also liked my attitude. He also said I'd be feisty in bed in the same fucking letter. I wanted to fight his ass. Sex is not my priority, and probably never will be. I'm fucking fourteen for goodness sake. I haven't even turned fifteen yet. When I showed it to Genya's friends, they were disgusted. One questioned what kind of sick person would say that. I should forget that letter soon. Though, Genya seems to be getting me through school. Yui is too. I'm mostly saying he gets me through P.E. class, since it's the class I hate the most. Genya is "scary" to some people, so they don't bother to talk to me. Once, somebody did try to flirt with me, thinking I was girl, until Genya came back from the bathroom. That's when they backed off. He's so kind and sweet. He's also kinda cute. Right! I have to do my homework and go to bed before Uncle Koku comes home with his friends to drink. I know them all. They're all nice when they're not drunk, but when they are, they're not the kindest people. The nicest one has to be Akaza. He's really nice when he's not drunk and drunk. Never aggressive towards Yui and I. I appreciate him for that. I need to finish the homework now.

Genya's POV

"Sanemi, can you please help me with my math homework?' I asked Sanemi after he let me into his room. "I don't want you to fail in math class, so sure." Sanemi agreed. "Thank you Sanemi." I thanked him, leaving his room to mine. He followed me. I entered my room and he did soon after. "Alright, which problems?" Sanemi asked. I pointed at the 8th problem. "This one?" Sanemi asked, pointing at the same one I was pointing at. I nodded. "Alright. I'm going to check all your other ones too, so you don't fail." Sanemi told him. "No need to remind me, Aniki." I whined. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, let's focus on the homework." Sanemi said. He, then, began to help me with the assignment.

I soon finished it up. "Thank, Nemi." I thanked Sanemi, smiling. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sanemi dismissed. "Hurry and get to bed before father comes and hurts you." Sanemi told me. "But you always stay awake to protect mother and our siblings, why can't I?" I asked. "Look, I'm the one that's supposed to protect my little brothers and sisters, and mother. That's my job." Sanemi answered. "But I'm an older brother to them too. I'm just your little brother. Not anybody else's." I told him. "I'm still supposed to protect you." Sanemi told me. "I'm supposed to protect them too, but you won't let me. Why?" I questioned Sanemi. "I don't want you getting hurt." Sanemi admitted. "You don't have to worry. I'm not very strong, but I'll protect them." I told him. "I'm not having you get hurt." Sanemi fumed. "I don't care if I do. I just want to protect the ones I love." I protested. Sanemi had gotten off of my bed. I tried to follow, but Sanemi pushed me back on. "Go to bed. I gotta stay up and make sure nothing bad happens." Sanemi demanded, looking irritated. "But Sanemi-," "I said go to bed." Sanemi cut me off, angry. "Fine.." I accepted, defeated. Sanemi began to leave me. "Good night, Nemi." I wished him a nice rest before he left. "Good night." is all he said before closing my door and leaving. "Why can't you let me protect them?" I mumbled to myself. I got up from my bed to charge my phone. I grabbed it and charged it. I put the math homework and pencil in my backpack. I got into a plain, purple t-shirt with black shorts. I got onto my bed, getting under the sheets. I laid there, staring at the ceiling for a little. I laid on my left side, closed my eyes, and dozed off.

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