I Can Only Dream

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Hello there! I hope you're having a great day or night! I kinda procrastinated this. I am, once again, doing this chapter the day I'm posting it. Yay! That means this chapter is gonna be a piece of shit. Hopefully you'll like it anyways. It's getting harder for me to work up the motivation to make stories now. I hope I can continue this story until it's done. I don't want to take any breaks or anything like that. I'll be quiet now so you can read this chapter. Please enjoy!

Genya's POV

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling as I got lost in thought. I've gotta tell Muichiro how I feel because I need to get rid of these feelings. I need to tell him soon, or I'll just sit here and think about it all day. I'm too nervous though. It's almost October and I still can't say anything. Maybe I should go out with him over the weekend. Where would we go though?

There's a new theme park that opened up recently. Well, recently as in seven months ago, but it's still new. It's quite popular and I think I could ask him to go. I have some money to buy a ticket, so I can go. I'll ask him tomorrow when we get time alone. Maybe during a class period I could ask him. I'll do that. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe something more... romantic. Maybe I'll wait a little longer.

I decided it was time to go to bed. I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I went to grab some shorts, a t-shirt, and a towel. I went to take a shower. Afterwards, I put on the shorts and t-shirt and grabbed a comb. I brushed my hair a bit before setting the comb down. Once I set the comb down, I turned the bathroom lights off. I went to my room, turning my bedroom lights off as well. I then got into bed and fell asleep right away.

Muichiro's POV

Yui and I got home from work. "Should I make us something or?" Yui asked. "No. It's okay. I'll put something together." I answered. "Okay then." he sighed. The both of us grabbed something from our kitchen before going upstairs.  I got upstairs and threw my backpack down. I wasn't able to take a shower until I finished my homework. If I did, I would fall asleep and forget to do it. I don't want that. So I decided to try and do it quickly.

I was able to finish it quickly. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I took off my stuff before stepping into the shower. I didn't care if it was cold. It'll warm up. I finished up and got dressed before doing my hair. It took a while, but I finished brushing it. I then got into bed and went on my phone. I just wanna go on my phone before I go to bed.

I stayed up a bit longer than necessary. I heard my door open and the lights turn on. It was Yui. "Mui, why are you still up?" he asked. "Why are you still up?" I threw the question right back at him. "That doesn't matter." he brushed the question off. "What do you want?" I asked, confused. "Remember how back in August you admitted to being gay?' he brought up. "Oh, yeah, I do remember that." I answered. I don't really remember it if I'm being honest. "Who are you gay for?" Yui asked, curious.

I wasn't sure if I should be honest in who I love, but it's my twin brother. He should probably be able to guess who. "Well, I'm- uhh-," I stuttered, pausing. I didn't think I would stutter this much, but I just did, so I'm fucked. "I don't got all night. Uncle and his friends will be here soon." Yui reminded me. Oh fuck that's right. I'll have to be honest.

"It's Genya." I admitted. Yui looked at me. His face was a mixture of shock and unsurprised. "I should've expected that." he sighed. "You should tell him." he suggested. "I don't think I will." I told him. He looked at me, confused as fuck. "Why?" he asked. "He most likely likes you back, so you should tell him." Yui told me. "I know that." I sighed. "Then why won't you say anything?" he asked me, confused.

"I want him to say something first." I answered, admitting my thoughts. "Huh? Why?" he asked. "Because his confession would be so adorable. You know how flustered he can get and I just think he would be so cute." I told him. "Genya's most likely not gonna confess." Yui admitted. "He will. I think he's having a hard time on deciding if I'd love him back or not, since I have trouble with my emotions." I told him.

"What if he doesn't love you back?" he asked me. "Then I'll never say anything to him. That's just it. I'll keep the feelings inside and keep them in the buried deep." I answered him. "Don't you think thats unhealthy?" he asked me. "I know it is, but he won't hear a peep." I answered him. "Hope everything goes well for you and Genya." Yui wished. "Thanks." I thanked him.

"I'll be going to bed now." he said as he got up to leave my room. "Good night, Mui." he wished. "Good night, Yui." I wished back before he closed the door. It all went quiet from there. I decided that it would be the perfect time to go to sleep. I charged my phone before getting up and turning the lights off, immediately returning back to my bed. I got under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up and did my daily morning routine before leaving the house with Yui. We both were eating bagels as we walked to school. Once we arrived to school, I opened my locker. I sighed in relief because I didn't see a note fall out. "Notes have been starting to disappear. They still get put into your locker, but not as often anymore." Yui pointed out as I grabbed my stuff. "It's quite odd." I admitted.

"Do you think he moved onto another person?" Yui asked. "Probably. I don't think it's my problem though." I said as Yui grabbed his stuff and put some stuff away. "Still, Mui, have some sympathy for whoever might be receiving those horrendous letters." Yui scolded. "I wish them good luck with the letters, but it's still not my problem." I told him as we closed out lockers and started walking to class.

Genya's POV

I got to school. Sanemi and I parted ways right away, so I went to my locker like usual. I mentally prepared for the letter to fall out the locker, which it did fall out once I opened it. I bent down to grab to it, getting back up immediately. I was shocked to see it was another photo and a note. It read, "I still can't get over how perfect your body is. I'd love to touch it." I mentally gaged. Fuck off, will you? I'm not a toy.

It's getting out of hand. Thankfully Muichiro hasn't received these letters as often as me. He wasn't happy with it. I mean, I'm not either, but if he isn't upset, then it's fine. I hope they just stop sending Muichiro letters for good because he's getting tired of them. That most likely won't happen, but still. I grabbed the stuff I needed and put the stuff I didn't need away. I then closed my locker and started walking to class.

I walked in and saw the Tokito twins and Zenitsu talking to each other. I rushed over to them. "Morning everyone." I greeted them as I put my backpack down on a desk. "Morning, Genya." Zenitsu mumled. "Good morning, Genya, how are you doing today?" Yuichiro asked, greeting me. "I'm doing great. How are you doing today?" I returned the question. "I'm doing alright." he answered. "Morning, Genya" Muichiro greeted. "Good morning, Muichiro, did you sleep well last night?" I asked. "Yes. I just hate school." he admitted. Same, Muichiro, same.

I really hope that some day I can build the courage to ask him out. Though, I Can Only Dream that he'll accept my confession. Sanemi said to have hope and that he'll accept it. He's always teasing me and making me blush. Maybe my dream will become reality. Yeah, it will. I just have to believe it will. Maybe faith isn't gonna work, but I can only hope. I think I'll wait a little bit longer to confess. I'm not ready yet, or am I?

Hello there! I hope you liked this small chapter! I'm trying to move quicker, but I'm also trying to work on chapters sooner because I always seem to fail at that. I kinda set myself up for failure so yeah. I'm doing summer school, then a training four times a week for three hours. I also do soccer, so practice is added. I'm fucking doomed y'all. I hope I can find time to write during that time. Stay safe! Stay healthy! Have a great day or night! Good bye!

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