Inlove With an Android: A2 - Nier Automata

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Requested by: Sceptile799


Earth, a planet filled with luscious green forests and deep blue bodies of water, once a relatively safe place now turned battlefield, the once green landscapes now gray, the blue waters now dirtied, Alien-made machines versus Man-made androids.

The last hope for humanity to kill the aliens and the alien-made machines of destruction, are androids, man-made androids.

Unfortunately, many of the androids have been destroyed rather easily, from numbered models to lettered (with numbers) models.


"Doc! The android is waking up!" Said a female scientist with hair color of ruby, round eyes color of gray like the stormy clouds wearing black jeans with white buttoned up shirt that's hidden under a long lab coat with 2 inch heels as her footwear.

Coming to her side was a handsome man in his age of 30 with long ebony brown hair that reached down to his chin and sharp vibrant blue eyes that seemed to glow under the dim lighting of the surrounding with thick black eyebrows and long eyelashes further empathizing his eyes and a glossy lips that when at rest forms a small smirk.

This was Y/N Huff, the head scientist and the supposed leader of the group that's been tasked by the government to create androids. So far, they've only been able to build androids that lasted for a few days in the battlefield before they get destroyed.

[Y/N Huff: Head scientist][Webtoon: To Tame a Fire]

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[Y/N Huff: Head scientist]
[Webtoon: To Tame a Fire]

Coming to a stop, Y/N glanced at his assistant before taking notice of the recently awakened android. "Open the tube now, Miss Natasha." Y/N ordered to the red haired woman beside him who complied and slowly drain the tube before opening it, revealing a female android with a gentle face, silky smooth skin and luscious lips, and a beauty mark that's on the bottom right of her lips, hair as white as snow that reached down to her rear, a tank top and a tight fitting black short, revealing her curves, blinking, the android reveals her eye to be a dull blue.

"Thank you."

Slowly, he stepped halfway inside the tube to (gently) wake the android. "Hello? Oh there, you're blinking, that's good." Stepping back a bit, he allowed the android to familiarize herself to the surroundings.

"Where... Am I? A..nd... Wh..o are... you?" The female Android asked rather brokenly.

"It seems your speech is rather broken, but not to worry, once we set you up with the mainframe, you're good to go. Ah! But first, introduction."

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