Fullness of emotions | 10

Start from the beginning

I need your help.

From all of us?

If that is possible, then yes.

Here we go again


I include them in the list of observers, allow them into the program, quickly explain exactly what needs to be done, what to pay attention to, and finally make the last settings.

I listen too, turn up the volume. Everything is noisy in the headphones. Does he driving somewhere? Looks like. For a while there is only this noise, then the slam of the door and footsteps. Completely deserted area - we can only hear the rustle of branches under his feet, the noise of insects and occasionally a bird's voice. An owl. It doesn't give us much. The woods around Duskwood are everywhere.

Metallic noise. He opens some kind of gate, goes back to the car and takes something. 'He's walking more slowly than before,' Ana says in the chat, and I can't disagree with her. Slower. What did he take away?
It becomes clear almost immediately. I can hear crying in the headphones. Girl. Hannah. She's really alive. It's good. But to hear her cry... It paralyzes me. I sit in front of the screen, holding my headphones closer to my ears, and don't even react to the static noise. I can't hear anything else, but I still can't move.


Do something hackerman!

I can try filtering out the noise.


This message by Dan is sobering, and I remember why this group needs me - usually and at the moment. A few seconds of screeching and we can hear everything again. The kidnapper's footsteps, Hannah's sobs, and the thud of something heavy. The connection disappears completely.


I got kicked out!

What happened?

We have lost the connection.


I'm trying to re-establish the connection, but it's no use. The connection is terminated. No matter how much I try, it doesn't work. As if something is blocking access. He must have gone to some very unpleasant place to communicate.

I am once again surprised by the group's reaction. They are quite calm about... technical problems. I don't even hear a single joke from Dan, even though there's a lot of room for they here. But no, Jessica just initiates a discussion about what we heard, and the others are willing to join in. Dan even suggests that the noise we heard might not have been noise at all, but the sound of the waterfall that 'Michael' was approaching. Unexpectedly good idea. There is a waterfall in the area.

No. I was wrong. Once again, I am surprised by the reaction of almost the entire group. Thomas remains true to himself: as soon as he hears about the waterfall, he is going to rush there headlong. No plan, no preparation. Quite in his style. Naturally, despite the group's attempts to reason with him, he simply logged out of the chat. Mhm.


It's no use.
We will be faced with nothing but resistance by using the words.

Duskwood: Jake's notesWhere stories live. Discover now