The day I decided to write this letter was the same day I bought that little box hidden in my sock drawer, [...]

Wanda stops reading immediately, her eyes being drawn to said drawer in the wardrobe. Resting the letter on the floor and with her heart beating quickly, the redhead gets up, walking slowly towards the furniture.

Your clothes were the last things Wanda was going to handle, because they smell like you and seeing them would mean remembering all the times she saw them on you, and she knew that once she had, she wouldn't be able to do anything else.

But curiosity gets the best of her, and the redhead opens your sock drawer, rummaging through the items inside carefully in search of said box. When Wanda's fingers rest on the item, she holds her breath for an instant, and brings it into her field of vision slowly.

A choked sob is caught in Wanda's throat as she opens the box, revealing the ring inside. A discreet silver ring, just the way she likes it, with a red stone in the center, matching the color of her magic.

With the open box in her hands and tears streaming down her eyes, the redhead returns to her position on the floor and takes the letter back, deciding to go back to reading it.

[...] I wonder if I had the courage to give it to you. If I said all the pretty words I prepared. If we moved to a house in the suburbs like you always said you wanted, and if we had children. You know, I always wanted two of them, two boys. Or two girls. Or a girl and a boy. Any combination would be perfect if it was with you.

I wonder how much of it I was able to live with you.

I know that everybody always wants to go before their loved one, so that they don't have to face living without them. But, my dear, I assure you that my plans were to go after you. I would hate to put you through this pain again. If you're reading this, however, it means that my plans didn't work out.

And if they didn't, I need to ask you something. I ask you to make one last promise to me, sweetheart, can you do it? [...]

It's as if Wanda can hear your words in her ears, your pleading expression as you make the request. And the redhead nods vigorously in confirmation. She would never be able to deny you anything.

[...] Well, if you're still reading, I hope that's a yes.

I want you to live. Make the most of your life while you still have time. Fulfill the dreams that we couldn't achieve together, find love again. I've always been the jealous type, you know that. But I'd hate to see you alone for the rest of your days. Please, Wanda, be happy.

After all, this is temporary, isn't it? We're all going to die someday. And when your time comes, we'll meet again. I will be waiting for you, ready to hear all the stories of the things you have lived without me.

Never forget that I love you. And if I love you, I want the best for you, always. And as it says in that book we like so much, the ones who love us never really leave us. And I will never leave you. I will always be with you, in your memories. I will be right here.

Thank you for making this promise, all I want is for you to be happy. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. So long, darling.

With all my love, Y/n.

It took several hours for Wanda to finish reading that letter, because very often she broke down in violent cries that seemed like they would never stop.

But she made it to the end, the feeling of loneliness and emptiness even stronger now.

And for the first time in her whole life, Wanda would break a promise she made to you. Because she puts that wedding ring on her finger and never takes it off after that.

Wanda has never loved anyone again, because all her love had always been and will always be devoted entirely to you, even if you can't be there to share it with her.

She did move into a house in the suburbs, and adopted two boys. Billy and Tommy. Amazing kids that you would have loved to meet, and to whom Wanda told all the stories she had with you.

And when her time finally comes, many, many years later, it's Billy and Tommy who take care of her. They cry for their mother, wanting her to stay. But Wanda knows that her children will be just fine. They have each other and their own families to take care of. As for her... She just wants to be reunited with you again.

Wanda hasn't kept the last promise she made to you, it's true. But when she takes her last breath, she hopes that you will keep yours, and be waiting for her on the other side. 

Wanda Maximoff x Reader - One-shot Collection (PG)Where stories live. Discover now