Part 12 :Normal day in the daycare...

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Narrator POV :
Sun woke up and glanced down at Moon. He looks peaceful to Sun when he sleeps. He got up and started to get the daycare ready for the day. He usually let Moon sleep in until the daycare was ready to be open so it would be like a hour for him to sleep.

He was walking around, humming to himself, organizing anything that looked unorganized. So he decided that he would play some music on the speaker while he was cleaning. The speakers were all around the daycare so he didn't have to worry about not hearing it.

He was jamming to the music, he knew most of the songs that played cause they were songs that played in the daycare. After the song ended, As it was-Harry styles popped up on the speakers but he didn't know the song. He didn't play this.

He kept cleaning while listening to the lyrics to the song. On the inside, it made him feel calm. He kept on cleaning, feeling calm on the inside.

"Nice song isn't it?"

"Solstice? What do you want..." He said in a mean tone.

"Calm the fuck down! I was just asking for your opinion about the song! I like it so I wanted to ask you if you do! You know what,I'll just leave u alone..."

Then his thoughts went empty and went back to cleaning like nothing happened.

After a bit ..

It was about time for the daycare to open so Sun called the line and went up to there room. He walked into the room, Moon peacefully asleep. He nudged at him a bit to wake him up.

"Wake up sleepy head. We have a daycare to run."

"5 more mins..." He said grabbing a pillow and putting it over his head.

"In 5 minutes the kids will be coming in. Come on, get up."

He eventually got up and started to get ready. Sun left the room and went down to get ready to welcome the kids.

Moon came down after a few minutes, then the day started.

While welcoming the kids, one walked in behind her mother.

"Why hello there! Welcome to the Superstar Daycare! I'm Mr. Sun or Sundrop! Who are you miss?"

"Oh my name is Amy, Amy Summers, this is my daughter, Autumn Summers. And please keep down your voice. She is sentive to loud noises. She is also sentive to bright lights."

"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm shutting up now."

"Well, I am Mr. Moon or Moon drop. The kids usually call me Mr. Moony."

"Well nice to meet y'all, I'm applying for a job here so I'm dropping her off here before I go to my interview."

"No problem Miss, we will watch your daughter." Replied Moon.

"Alright, thank y'all. Bye honey, I'll see u later. Alright"

"A-alright. Love u."

"Love you to honey." She then kissed her fore head and left.

After they walked into the daycare...
"Alrighty, so what do you like to do!"

"Eep-"she said covering her ears
"umm I-"

"Sun, remember that she is sentive to loud noises."

"Oh I'm sorry little one."

She then covered her eyes and went to moon, hiding behind him.

"Why is she running from me?"

"Probably because of your bright color palette and how loud your voice box is that it hurts her."

"Oh, alrighty..."

Moon then picked her up, "So what do u want to do?"

"Umm, could we color?"

"Of course, we don't have the crayons for no reason."

She giggled and then walk off with her in his arms, leaving sun behind.

After a while again...
It got around time for Circle Time. All the kids gathered around and Sun started talking to them.

"Alrighty Sunshines! It's Circle Time! Are y'all ready?"

*All the kids cheer in excitement*

"Well, I guess that is a yes! So, who wants to start us off?"

Multiple kids raised there hands. Sun glanced around, looking for one to pick, and saw Moon away from the circle with Autumn.

"Umm- So, Ashley! You can start us off! I have to go do something, if it comes to me, just go to the next person. I'll be right back!"

He then walked over to Moon.

Sundrops POV:
I started to walk over to where Moon was at. He never missed out on circle time and he always loved it.

"Umm, hey Moon."

"Oh, hold on Autumn, What's up Sunny?"

"We are doing circle time, do y'all want to join us?"

"Umm, I'm sorry to say this, but it's probably gonna get pretty loud over there and plus it's pretty bright over there. So, not really."

"Oh...umm Alright. I'll leave y'all."

I then walked off back to the circle. I don't know why but sadness grew inside me. I know that the kid needs care & all of that, but we could ask the kids to keep it down and dim the lights. Plus, he is the one that came up with the idea.

I got back over with the kids and they all had their share.

"Mr. Sun! It your turn!"

"Oh- let's see...Hmmm...Well, I love stuffed animals! I have lots in my room!"

"I like stuffed animals too!" One of the kids yelled.

"Me too!" Another yelled.

"Alrighty, Well we all got our turn. Y'all can go play now!"

The kids started to run off one bye one. They then started to climb around and play, they looked so happy. I followed them after they all ran off, looking back at Moon.

After a bit, some kids asked me to play with them and we were having a great time. We were playing house, so I was the dad, Emily was the wife, Ronald was  our son, and Racheal was our daughter.

The four of us were playing around and having a great time. After a bit of us playing around, Emily came running up to me asking, "Mr. Sun, where is Mr. Moon?"

I stood there, thinking of what to say, "Uh- He is playing with other kids."

She then said ok and ran off. But to really think of it,
Where was he...
Thx y'all for the support! ^^ <333
Hope y'all enjoyed this part

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