"Lay All Your Love On Me"

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It was finally happening, Y/n was gonna finally marry the love of her life. Granted she knew that she wasn't going to have the wedding most little girls dream about because of the dead walking around but as long as she had Daryl everything was perfect. Now it was just a few hours before it was time. And Y/n decided to take a walk around Alexandria, to clear her head, not that she was getting cold feet or anything she just wanted a minute to herself. Little did she know she had a worried redneck hunter trying to find her. She was just walked back inside the walls from her walk when she heard Daryl call out her name. "Y/n!" she turned to look back at him "There ya are, everyone, been worried sick! No one seen ya anywhere!" He walked up to her checking her for any injuries, "I'm sorry Dar I was just outside the walls I needed some time to myself is all" she calmly explained. "What ya getting cold feet or somethin?" he joked but was secretly serious. Y/n laughed "No silly not at all," She then took notice of the fact that Daryl was all cleaned up and well presentable "Who you all cleaned up for?" Daryl's ears turn red and he lowers his head "Ahh Rick are throwing me a bachelor's party thing back at Aaron and Eric's place, for ugh "my last night or freedom" Y/n laughs and looks at Daryl with an amused "oh really" look. Daryl sees this and put his hands up in surrender "Hey it was their words, not mine, Mine woulda been the start to my life in the light" Daryl puts both his hands on Y/n face caressing it, "Oh so you'll never leave me right" She mocks as she places her hands on his, "Are ya kiddin' you have made my life so much better and worth living it's not even funny" He professes.

"I wasn't jealous before we met

Now every man I see is a potential threat

And I'm possessive, it isn't nice

You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice"

Daryl pulls out a cigar Aaron found on a run and gave it to him as a wedding present. He holds it out in front of his to Y/n to tease her knowing she didn't like him smoking, she tries to grab it but Daryl is quick to pull it away from her grasp.

"But now it isn't true

Now everything is new

And all I've learned has overturned

I beg of you"

He moves closer to her, and they are pressed against one another, he leans in for a kiss but Y/n playfully pushes him away.

"Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me"

She then moves to lean back on one of the walls, moving downward seductively, looking right into Daryl's eyes

"It was like shooting a sitting duck

(Daryl makes finger guns pretending to shoot her)

A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck

I still don't know what you've done with me

A grown-up woman should never fall so easily"

She walks back up to Daryl with a sway to her hips, she runs one of her hands up his chest,

"I feel a kind of fear

When I don't have you near

Unsatisfied, I skip my pride

I beg you, dear"

she leans in their faces very close now, Daryl is in a trace, and he brings his hand up to caress the hair framing y/n face.

"Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me

Don't go sharing your devotion

Lay all your love on me"

Daryl leans in the rest of the way and they are able to share a small kiss with no room to deepen it because seemingly out of nowhere, Rick, Glenn, Aaron, Eric, Abraham, Morgan, Health, and Gabriel all surround us, and basically carry Daryl away from her, They are all dancing around him and start showing off their muscles to Y/n while Maggie, Michonne, Carol, Tara, Rosita, Denise, and Sasha all stand next to me watching the guys make fools of themselves. Daryl somehow finds his way back to Y/n, he pulls her to him by her waist.

"I've had a few little love affairs

They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce

I used to think I was sensible

It makes the truth even more incomprehensible

'Cause everything is new

And everything is you

And all I've learned has overturned

What can I do?"

The two maintain eye contact and lean in once more for a kiss but are interrupted on both sides this time again.

"Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me

Don't go sharing your devotion

Lay all your love on me"

The men pull Daryl away for his party and the women lead Y/n away for hers, Daryl and y/n look at each other once more, and Daryl winks to her as he is led away.

"Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me

Don't go sharing your devotion

Lay all your love on me

Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me"

At their separate parties, they both drink and have a nice time, But still, nothing will compare to when they both finally say I do. 

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