Katherine and Joel are... Siblings?

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(Idea from @Maya-Micah-Emerson who is very underrated, her stories are so good.)  

Katherine enjoyed the lovely breeze in her hair, which was both pleasant and satisfying to her. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers. The sight of unending flower fields was a beautiful sight to see. The-

"Katherine!" Joel called " Katherine?"

"Up here, Joel!" Katherine said, waving.

Katherine leapt from the top of the tower to the ground, placing a bucket of water beneath her. "Your hair is insane Katherine!" Joel remarked. Yes, she had not trimmed her hair in a long time, but she had not realized it had grown quite long. "I need to tell you something, it's very important." Joel whispered.

"Come in Joel, I'll make us some tea." Katherine said, gesturing for him to come in the main base. He nodded, and they both entered. In the sitting area, Katherine asked him what tea he wanted. "Could I get some azalea leaf tea?" He asked. Katherine looked at him, and responded saying "Didn't you know? Azalea used in any type of food or drink is highly poisonous." Joel looked shocked by this new information. "Meh, I'll make it anyways. Two cups of azalea leaf tea coming right up!"


"So what did you want to talk about?" Katherine asked. "It's kind of weird. Like, I know the type of the flower or plant just by looking at it, I know weird info about plants that I don't remember learning, and I'm having this weird attraction to flowers, mostly azalea bushes..." Joel confessed. The two of them silently sipped their tea until Katherine broke the silence. "Why did you ask me?"  Joel looked at her. "Well, you're the flower girl and all, and I trust you. So..." He replied.

"Oh, alright." Katherine sniffed. No one really paid attention to her other than the seablings. "Well, I don't really have info on these types of things, but we can check the library, there might be a book which has something you need." Joel stood up so quickly that is shocked Katherine. "Come on! We have no time to waste! I don't want to be with Fwhip and Sausage and then just say out of the blue that some species of cacti can produce flowers and bloom!" He shouted. He quickly rushed to the door at the left of the sitting room. 

"It's the other way Joel." Katherine said, pointing to the right.

"Oops- okay." he replied, dashing to the opposite direction.


In the library, Joel and Katherine were looking for the book they needed. "The brain and what it's made out of..." Katherine muttered. Joel was searching the top section while Katherine was searching the bottom. "The official biography of Mythical Sausage?" Joel read. "Sausage gave that to me. Just, uh, put it back." Katherine stuttered. 

"Katherine, I think you might want to see this. And did you know that roses are related to apples, cherries, peaches, and plums?" Joel said excitedly. "Uhhh, yeah I knew that." Katherine responded, moving to see the book that Joel was holding. "Do you want me to read it?" Joel asked. "Sure, I'm all ears." Katherine said. 

"The Poem of the Flower Family

Two lost floral siblings leave and separate. 
One in the flower fields for her to appreciate.
The other in the badlands with not a flower in sight.

But deep in the caves a flower will help them unite.

A bit of bonemeal and a bit of moss.
A shrub will form with purple flowers in every stalk.
This plant called Azalea will light up the way
For the two to meet again and everything will be okay."

Joel inhaled sharply. "Wait a second. One in the flower fields, that's you, Katherine. One in the badlands, that's me. And the Azalea is my empire's flower. Does this mean..?" Katherine widened her eyes. "Does this mean..?" She replied

"WE'RE RELATED??" The both of them shouted at once. 

They both looked shocked. Joel never heard Katherine raise her voice, and Katherine felt the same. "I'm sorry.." They said at the same time. They looked at each other straight in the eye. Then they started laughing. "The question now is who's older." Katherine said. "Do you wanna do a little more researching?" Joel asked. "You took the words right from my mouth brother." Katherine smirked. "Do you want to make it a game?" Joel smirked back. "Oh it's on." 


"Got it!" Katherine shouted. "Aww man.." Joel said. "What does it say?"

"The Floral Family of the Future. In the future, there is said to be two siblings. The elder one a girl, and the younger on a boy. They both come from the Floral Bloodline. The lady will rule over the flower fields, while the man will rule over the mesa." Katherine read. 

"That explains it all. So you're older." Joel said. "Yeah, so you have to respect me now" Katherine said with a giant smile on her face. "Alright I get it Kathy." Joel sighed. Katherine was surprised by the sudden nickname, but she liked it a lot. "Got to go, love you sis." Joel said. "Love you." Katherine said, waving goodbye as he flew away.


A/N: This is my third story! I'm very grateful for those reading it, I haven't received any requests yet, as of June 17, 2022, but you are free to request in the first chapter! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my future stories!

A/N #2: I forgot to mention, I'll try my best to post every day or every other day. Thank you again!

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