CHAPTER ELEVEN, the one with saving kira & scott

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Derek moves to the door of the van

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Derek moves to the door of the van. In an instant, he was pulled out of the van by a Berserker, and it threw him onto the ground. Nova stood up, ready to go help the Berserker that was beating Derek on a rock, but Stiles grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving. Braeden cocked her gun and shot at the Berserker a few seconds later. The Berserker ran off, leaving a bloody Derek on a rock that was nearby.

Nova yanked her arm out of Stiles' grip and rushed outside. Liam and Stiles stood on either side of her and Peter and Malia had gotten over to them while Braeden knelt beside Derek. Nova noticed that Peter was looking at Derek with sadness which surprised her. She hasn't seen him look sad ever. Nova looked back at Derek with teary eyes. He had no werewolf powers and no werewolf powers meant he didn't heal fast.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Derek replies, unconvincingly. "Just go find Scott. Just find him. We'll be right behind you. Go." 

When no one moves and continues to look at him with concern, Derek yells, "Go!"

Peter was the first to head inside, followed by Liam and Nova. Stiles had stayed back a few more moments, listening to Derek tell him to save Scott before he and Malia went inside. There were pews inside the old church that were old and broken. The ruins took on an eerie light as moonlight poured through the hole-lidded roof. Although the walls were made of stone it looked like peeling paint.

The four teens followed Peter through the thin halls. It was Stiles right behind him, then Liam, then Nova, and Malia was at the back. Peter brought out his arms in front of them, stopping them from moving. "We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta find out how to find Scott and Kira." Peter told them, his voice echoing which made it seem he was talking louder than he was. Suddenly, Stiles' phone started ringing.

He pulls out his phone, mumbling to himself, "How do I even have service?" He walks off, answering the phone call. "Hi, dad."

Peter outstretched his arms, a look of frustration clear on his face. The three of them listened in on Stiles' conversation and Nova wasn't happy to find out their dad is mad and that she and Stiles were going to get punished when they got home. Noah said that he would look for Lydia and Mason at the school.

When he ends the call and walks back over to them, Nova looks at him and cringes upon noticing how upset he looked. "We're in trouble?"

Nodding, Stiles sighs. "Big time."

"That's just great." Nova sarcastically commented with a frown on her face.

"What do we do now?" Liam sighed.

"Duck!" Malia pushed Liam down by grabbing the back of his neck to push him down just as the fist of a Berserker hit the wall over their heads.

Liam had quickly grabbed Nova's hand, pulling her down with him since she had stood by him and he didn't want her to get hurt. He wanted to know that she was right by his side at all times. And he kind of liked holding her hand. Nova honestly didn't mind holding his hand so she didn't mind not letting go yet. She was also glad the thin halls were kind of dark so no one could see the light shade of blush that appeared on her cheeks.

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