CHAPTER SEVEN, the one with the dangerous and idiotic plan

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She was surprised the images of her nightmare didn't flash in her mind again. It was as if it faded away with her being with Liam. But that didn't mean she wasn't afraid of it coming back. "Okay." Liam whispered, gently stroking her right arm which helped Nova relax more. A few minutes have gone by, comfortable silence filling the room again.

Liam glances down at Nova, smiling slightly upon noticing she had fallen asleep. "Good night, Noves." He leaned down, placing a kiss on her forehead.


In the morning Nova ran back to her house before Liam woke up. She did appreicate Liam helping her calm down after her nightmare last night, but she felt like she needed to get back home. She wasn't sure how his parents would react to finding her in Liam's bed that morning.

Nova stood beside Liam in the kitchen at Scott's house, standing at the kitchen table along with Kira, Lydia, Malia, Stiles, and Scott. Three laptops were placed on the table, one in front of where Liam and Nova stood, one in front of Kira, and one in front of Stiles.

"Is three enough?" Kira asked.

"Depends on how many cameras they have." Stiles shrugs. "But I think so."

"Are we really doing this?" Liam questioned, uncertainty in his voice.

Scott nods. "We're doing it. Tonight."

"Isn't it dangerous?" The more Liam spoke the more Nova realized that he was nervous about this. She didn't blame him. She is too.

"It's incredibly dangerous." Stiles replies. "And borderline idiotic."

Nova glares at Stiles, his comment not helping her or Liam calm down. "Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam asked.

Stiles raises his eyebrows. "Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?"

Kira purses her lips together, shaking her head. "I think it's a yes to both."

"You don't have to be apart of it if you don't want to." Scott said to Liam upon noticing how he was acting. He glances at Nova. "You don't have to either."

Liam shakes his head. "I'm not scared."

"Me neither." Nova replies. She bites her lower lip nervously, fiddling with her charm bracelet she always wore. "At least not yet."

"Then you're both borderline idiotic." Stiles comments, sending a wink their way along with finger guns and Nova rolls her eyes at him. If that was his way of making them feel better it didn't work. He looks back at Scott. "If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?"

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira inquired.

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott answered.

"Simon said the same thing." Stiles speaks. "He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead."

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the Deadpool, but you can't send the proof?" Scott said.

Nova honestly didn't like this plan at all. It could go wrong in so many ways. She furrows her eyebrows when she realizes something that would go along with what Scott said. "You don't get paid."

"But how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?" Liam questioned.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Scott looked like he didn't like the plan that much as well.

"Espeically if it's someone high on the list." Stiles added, worry laced in his voice.

"So, if he wants visual confirmation..."

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