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"Are you going to be alright? You can enroll in a Japan UNI!" Her brother started, "Be safe, be careful, don't talk to people you don't know, sleep on the flight; it's only two hours

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"Are you going to be alright? You can enroll in a Japan UNI!" Her brother started, "Be safe, be careful, don't talk to people you don't know, sleep on the flight; it's only two hours. Be nice to your roommates, and text me if you need money. Make friends, but be careful. Don't trust everyone. For your safety, don't go racing, please. I need you to be safe. Text me when you board and when you get off the plane. Eat well on the plane, drink some water, if you feel uncomfo-"

"Sora-nii. Sora-nii! Sora-nii! I got it!" She grabbed her brother's hands. "I'll be fine, I haven't even driven a car in years, after well, you know," Reiko reassured her nagging brothers. "I know, I know. God, I can't believe you're going to college" He sighed while hugging her tightly. "Sora-nii, Rukoru-nii. I'm going to be fine. Don't worry."

"I gotta go. My flight is gonna board soon," Reiko whispered while hugging her Dad. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Ko-chan" He smiled while hugging her back tightly. "Otosan! I'm going to miss you more than anything! I promise I'll visit." She smiled at her eldest brother before being roughly pulled into a hug, "Sora-nii," She laughed while hugging him back, "I'm gonna miss you so much," He whispered into her ear while burying his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm gonna miss you more." Their hug lasted a while before Rukoru grabbed her shoulders and spun her into a hug. "Don't do anything nasty," He reprimanded. "Kuro-nii!" His younger sister exclaimed while hitting his chest. "What? I'm being serious." laughed Rukoru.

"But in all seriousness, be safe." He concluded.

And lastly, her younger sister-- though she was her half-sister, Reiko treated her as if they were utterly blood-related, who was only a few months younger than Reiko but was leaving for college later on, "Shiori-chan! I'm gonna miss you" She sighed while pulling her sister into a tight hug. "Riri-chan~ I'm gonna miss you so much! Ugh, Have fun at Tokyo University, be safe, My love."

"I should be telling you to be safe, Reiko-ani," Shiori teased while tickling her sister. "Hey~" Reiko whined. Nonetheless, Reiko kissed her younger sister's cheek. "Flight AK1567 is ready for boarding. Please have your boarding pass and Identification ready," The flight attendant spoke into a mic. The Aiko Family looked at each other for a few sparing seconds. Reiko sighed softly as she grabbed her pink luggage and started to walk away. Looking back at her family and blew them a kiss. Now she was off to Korea.

Reiko waltzed into the plan with her red hair in a half-up, half-down hairstyle with choppy bangs draped over her eyebrows. Her velvety pink tracksuit shaped her nicely all over. The top of the tracksuit was short enough for her belly button. And to top off her outfit, she wore her classic platform pick flip-flops.

She wasn't aware that her father had gotten her first-class seats, but when she found out, she felt a small wave of frustration wash over her. Poking her tongue in her cheek due to frustration, she huffed and started to put her carry-ons away. Her father could not be serious; it was only an hour and a half; what was the point of getting her first-class tickets. A waste, she sighed and got cozy in the spacious seat. A few minutes passed, about 45. Reiko fell asleep after about 15. Her flight was exceptionally early, so there was no surprise. When she cracked open her eyes, she finally took a moment to look around her.

There was a cute little bar area not so far from her seat. She wore her oversized black puffer jacket, feeling the cold air hit her arms. She got up a shuffled over to the bar. It's never too early for a drink. "Hi," She whispered. "Hello," The lady at the bar whispered back. "Hennesy on the rock, please," She asked while leaning on the counter with a boyish smile. "I.D., please," The pretty lady said. Reiko shuffled in her pocket and handed the older woman her 'real' I.D. "Picture of me with my natural hair," Reiko explained as the Bartender. She looked up at Reiko, who smiled, "Here ya go, love."


The Bartender passed her the drink, and Rei[ko] took it gratefully. Beside her was a handsome male who coincidentally also had red hair pulled into a half up half down style and spoke out with his bangs also out. "Can I get Two Henneseys on the rocks?" He sighed while sitting on the bar stool. Reiko's eyes wandered to the stranger, "We're like twins, rough day?" Rei questioned while giving a small smile. "Lots of traveling, you?" The red-headed male scoffed while taking his drink gratefully. "Moving out."

"What's your name?" He asked, "Reiko." The girl responded while answered while turning to face him; he was already staring at her, and her eyes widened in response. "What's your name, stranger?" She gave a small smile. "Yuta." He responded with a cat-like smile. "You're Japanese!"

"So are you."

Reiko laughed at his rather blunt response. There was a brief silence before Yuta spoke up, "So, are you moving out for college?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm going to SNU. What 'bout you? Why are you traveling so much" Instead of answering Reiko's question, Yuta let out a shocked laugh. "Holy shit, when they say a small world, they fucking' mean it" Reiko only tilted her head in confusion. "Sorry," He laughed, "I came from to pick up my friend for college; we both go to SNU."

"Wow. We really are twins," She giggled while covering her mouth with the back of her hand, "What year are you?"


"Ah, you'll be my Senpai, then; what about you're friend? Where's he?"

"You ask a lot of questions, ya know. Don't worry; I like it. He's over there; he's gonna be a first year, like you." Yuta smiled while jerking his thumb over to his friend. Reiko's eyes traveled over from Yuta to his friend. His curly grey-blonde-ish hair caught her attention first. He was sitting eating sushi with his feet crossed and a cute tiger face mask on, "His name is Shotaro."

"Mm," She hummed.

"You ready for SNU?" Asked Yuta.

"I think. I'm excited and somewhat nervous. I don't like being away from my Dad."

"I get it; I felt that way too, but it's a nice school when you meet the right people." He smirked while taking a kitten sip of his drink. Reiko followed suit.

"Are you a part of those right people, Yuta-san?" She asked with a slight smirk. "Who know's?" He answered while laughing. Reiko was about to say something when the sound of the co-pilot cut her off, "Ladies and gentlemen, All Nippon Airways welcomes you to South Korea! The local time is 3 in the morning. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate."

"Well, Twin, I'll see you 'round!" Reiko smirked while getting up and grabbing her drink. She strutted her way to her seat. Yuta's eyes lingered on her swaying hips; he scoffed with a smile pained on his face. He grabbed his drink and made his way back to Shotaro.

"That girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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