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As she began to slowly awake from nothingness, she sensed the sun lighting the room. Taking a deep breath, she noticed the smell of salt and sand filling her. Upon opening her eyes, she noticed the window facing the ocean was open and, yes, the sun lighting the room with the dawn. She tried to move and noticed two strong arms about her. One over her waist and the other under her neck.

Quickly, the metallic scent filled her as she moved her head more into the arms under her. She hummed softly, a smile edging her face.

"Good morning, Little Bird," he whispered, still half asleep.

She slowly turned around in his arms and looked up at him. He looked the same as he always did, this time with short hair. Like in the 40s, she thought. She enjoyed it.

"Good morning Bucky," she hummed, tracing her fingers against his bare chest. Most of scars were faded and his shoulder looked ten times better with careful care and better metals against his bones.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

She looked confused for a moment, then it hit her. The first time in their new house and the first love making in the new house. Hours away from other people where they could be alone, something they never had the pleasure of.

"I feel glorious," she responded, smiling up at him. "I can't wait to start this new point in our life together."

"Pups of our own, I can't either."

She smiled more, the sun sparkling in both of their eyes. She softly placed her hand on her stomach as his found his way there as well. "Soon," she responded, looking down at the small baby bump.

Warning - I get very personal here, mentions of self doubt,harm +.

I owe everyone so much. Thank you everyone for the likes, the votes, it's truely an honor. Like I've said, I also owe an explanation.

Throughout the years, not only has writer's block taken hold one too many times, but life. I've looked at the date I started this story and I started it a few months before I went into the military and college. Neither one of those went as planned and the next years, life. I started a new job, I found the love of my life, I found a calling to write my own novel and start my own business. I haul cars and livestock, mobile welding with my partner, and learning how to make candles, wire wrapped jewelry, the list goes on. Those have been my main focus. Other than my own novel, I also self published my poetry book which has more stuff than just poetry.

Now, what I had completely planned for this fanfiction. Bucky and Kaylee were supposed to have more heart felt encounters, healing for the both of them. Healing and trust building were my priority when I first started out. That was going to go on for CHAPTERS.

Kaylee was going to try to leave again to be 'free' and start her own journey when Bucky went to go after her, more like a 'hell mary' moment for him. There was going to be a small rain storm to be more dramatic and she was going to admit that she hated nearly everything about herself, which Bucky, overtime, would help 'heal' that self image. I wanted to add that for myself as it would be very personal. I had a bad image of myself and hurt myself and now at 2 years, my partner has helped me with that and my mental health. I wanted the same for Bucky and Kaylee.

They were supposed to come back at a certain time because they had curfew, thanks to Tony and Fury, and didn't. When they did come back, everyone was upset. But, instead of punishment, Fury and Tony didn't say anything. The meeting at the beginning of the Disney chapter was actually Bucky and Steve really worried about what Fury was going to stay.

At Disney, they were actually supposed to start to fall in love, truely.

Over another chapter or two, Kaylee invented a new arm for Bucky as the old one was hurting his solder. And they were bonding over it as Kaylee had to fix it. This would spark some PTSD on Bucky that they would note, and try to overcome. Again, more healing. Some much healing.

-Adding this note here now as with alot healing comes alot of smutt. So you were gonna get more.

Towards the end, Bucky was going to purpose with a ring at a restaurant with Steve, Tony, Pepper, and Natasha around. It was going to be really emotional. With a purposal comes smutt where Bucky would mark her as his - cause I specifically started this as a Omegaverse. I wanted to explore lol. Throughout writing it sometimes, I've forgotten.

So yea, that what was going to happen for a lot more chapters. Plus character on character building cause I needed more Tony and Pepper interaction with Kaylee. I was gonna have Tony take the poor girl under his wing :)


Again, I want to the thank you all for everything and staying around. It has been an honor. 

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