Chapter 19

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Dear Diary,

I've been discharged for several days now. My heat subsided two or three days before discharge. I've lost weight and I've been needing help from Natasha and Pepper to do simple things. Having someone to take care of me sucks but I guess this is what happens to omegas like me.

I've really only felt pain throughout my body. Everything hurts. My stomach, my chest, my head. My heart. There was only a four-day difference between the Soldier coming into my room for the first time and this curse letting up. Still, I wait for it to come again. Bruce told me the second time might be the same and fairly soon.

I'm confined to the Tower again and I believe my freedom will never come again. It's only a matter of time before the alpha takes advantage of me. I know the tactics - make me trust him only to hurt me.

I'm only seeing him once today with Steve and Nat like promised. Never again after this. I don't want him near me at all. Not again.

"Ready to go get lunch, Kay?" Natasha asked after entering her apartment. She watched as Kaylee finished up her last sentence in her journal before putting it away. Her frame was slowly getting thicker, back to a healthier shape.

"I suppose," Kaylee uttered, using the table to support her weight and to stabilize her. She looked up at the redhead, slightly blond coming from her roots.

The omega slowly followed Natasha to the elevator, numbness taking over her. Her mind went blank, not prepared to see the alpha. Her hands started to feel clammy and she felt like she started sweating.

She had a few minutes once she got to the kitchen before Steve came up with Bucky so she got herself a small snack and tried to relax, to calm her mind with slow, even breaths. Tears welled in her eyes as she felt her mind become closed and focus on her encounter.

"Hey," Natasha spoke up, sitting beside her on the couch. "You're having another anxiety attack. I'm right here." She smiled at her, gently holding Kaylee's hand in hers. She rubbed her knuckles slowly. "I won't let him do anything to you."

Kaylee nodded in time to hear the elevator ding of the alpha's arrival behind her. She averted her gaze down to stare at the carpet before her. As Natasha got up, her hand slipping from the omega's, Kaylee pulled her hand to her stomach. I don't want to see him.

"Hey Steve, Bucky," Natasha smiled at the pair.

Steve greeted his friend. He was there to support Buck and for backup in case something happened though he had confidence nothing would. Still, he and Natasha went to the kitchen to grab a snack.

Bucky nodded to his friend and Natasha noticed he looked tense before she disappeared. He stared at the back of Kaylee's head, noticing her figure for the first time. Guilt stabbed at his heart but he slowly made his way to the other side of the couch, sitting across from the omega.

Kaylee seemed to look up at the right time, her eyes bringing him back to a time where she sought out knowledge to answers.

"Since you're smaller, you have to use your size to your advantage. As well as using someone else's momentum," the Soldier said to the small omega across the way.

A bright eleven-year-old stood before him. Lights shined in her eyes but the way they wanted answers to unasked questions would keep in his mind forever. Ever since that day at boot camp, she showed promise and potential. He knew what he needed to do to protect her.

"How?" she asked. "Everyone is so much taller than I am and bigger."

"We'll go through this slowly but you have to pick it up quick. Your life depends on it."

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