How Drunk Was I? (Matt Jackson x OC)

Start from the beginning

Walking out of their bedroom after managing to stop throwing up, Summer smiled as she saw the three men talking quietly in the kitchen "what are you three whispering about?", turning around, Brandon smiled and replied "there she is..the dirty stop out" and as The Brothers looked over, Nick laughed as he walked over and carefully hugged his sister in law and stated teasingly "Sum-Sum. You look like crap" "Thanks Nicky...Love you too..douchebag". Dramatically grabbing her shades after pulling away from her brother in law, the blonde woman slid them onto her face and walked over to her husband and kissed him as he passed her some coffee "How are you feeling?" Matt asked his wife, putting a hand on the small of her back "like death. I think I forgot how much fun Toni and I can get up too." "Fun...mischief" Nick muttered "FUN! Some people do like to have it occasionally old should try it sometimes" "says you. If fun looks like this Sum Sum, I am more than happy being old and boring" Nick smirked  "well it suits you" Summer grinned. Watching his wife and brother go at it, Matt decided to step in before it went to far "Okay...behave yourself, the pair of you. Sum, d'ya want anything to eat?" "Maybe a greasy bacon...woah..MATTHEW GET YOUR WIFE OFF ME" Nick screamed as Summer jumped on his back and put him in a sleeper hold " Summer..release" Brandon laughed as he pulled her off of his back "just be thankful I had nothing left in my stomach" Summer growled playfully as she walked away flipping him the bird ,laughing as Nick playfully growled at her. Watching the woman sit down, Nick pulled out his phone and sent the woman a text "what are you doing?" Brandon whispered "nothing" Nick grinned, as the woman heard her phone chime, she moaned as the noise went straight through her and as she pulled it out of her pocket, she leaned back and instantly felt a pain in her shoulder she wasn't expecting "Jeez!" The woman hissed "Sum? You okay?" Matt asked "I'm fine...OWW!" "What's the problem drunky?" Nick snickered "You are evil!" Brandon whispered "I have just got a pain in my shoulder that's all...come to mention it,I have a pain in....MATTHEW!!! Come here...NOW!". Looking up, Matt looked at the two men and replied whilst feigning ignorance and walking over to his wife and where she was sitting "babydoll, what's up?" " drunk was I last night?" "On a scale of one to full on Walker Mode?....Full on Walker Mode I would say. Why do you ask?" "Oh, I don't know..maybe it's the pain in my shoulder, my head feeling like I have taken a chair shot to it...or perhaps it's THE GIANT FUCKING TATTOO ON MY FOOT!" As the other two men walked over after hearing her yell, Nick laughed and stated whilst looking at Brandon "PAY UP CUTLER.... 40 BUCKS!" "Damn it" Brandon sighed, handing over the winnings to the smug looking man "Double or Quits on the other two?" "Your on" Nick whispered. Watching the men talk as his wife wallowed in her drunken decision, Matt smiled and stated as she laid her head in his lap "it isn't that bad Sum.. I actually really like it" "it is a massive Buck...have you been dropped on your head one too many times recently Matthew?" Summer replied bluntly, trying to work out if her husband was trying to be funny or be a dick "I am aware of what it is Summie..but I am telling you, as your husband that even if you were in full on Walker made a good choice".

Looking at her husband confused but smiling, all four people in the room suddenly looked towards the door as they heard a knock out of nowhere, burrowing her head into the crook of her husband's neck as a second knock rang through the room, Summer mumbled "Brandon, If you love me...please make it stop" "okay sunshine, seeing as it is you" Brandon replied with a smile as he made his way to the door "I'm never drinking again" Summer mumbled meanwhile "I'll believe it when I see it Sum" Matt replied, kissing the side of his wife's head. As Brandon opened the door, he couldn't help but laugh as he saw the other half of the duo, looking as rough as her best friend and his adopted sister ""you look rough...SUM IT"S TONI..." "DUDE....MOUTH!.....HUSH!!!" Toni growled, suffering herself from her outing with her partner in crime. Walking past Brandon and into the lounge area of the suite, Toni sat down and groaned to her delicate looking best friend"why did we drink so much?" "celebrating the reunion" Summer moaned "you two are as bad as each other" Nick interjected, instantly regretting his comment as both women looked at him and replied "BITE ME!" "It's scary how much in unison you two are", looking at her best friend and sister, Summer asked Toni "listen...did you wake up with any fresh ink? or was my drunk ass alone on the tattoo front?" "I don't know...I have got a pain in my shoulder and arm" Toni expressed.  Looking at the shock on the two blondes faces, Nick smirked and sarcastically remarked as he looked at Toni's shoulder "seriously you two.. was one drunken mistake not had to get TWO matching ones!" "WHAT!" Both women asked as they looked at each other then back at Nick's grinning face "If this is you trying to be funny isn't working!" Summer exclaimed "why would I make it up Summer! If you don't believe me..why don't you and drunky 2 go and look for yourselves and then you can stop being a smart ass" her brother in law exclaimed "you are lucky I am not in the mood to choke your ass out" "come on trouble" Toni sighed, getting up from the sofa and pulling Summer up in turn before dragging her away from her kill and to the bathroom "find a sense of humour while your in there Walker!" .  Listening to the door shut to the en suite in the bedroom, Matt looked at the two men and asked his brother with a grin "why have you got to wind her up?" "Because it is easy and everyone needs a hobby" Nick shrugged.

Looking in the mirror in front of them, both women pulled off their shirts and turned around at the same time and stated in unison as they saw the tattoo Nick had mentioned "Holy...Crap!", moving closer towards the mirror to ave a better look, Toni added "I hate to admit it..It's very cute" a statement that made the woman and fellow blonde burst out laughing "hate to admit it, but you are so right!!" "We have good taste Walker". As the two blonde besties looking at their second matching tattoos, this time on the sides of their arms they had quite clearly had thought was a good idea in their drunken mindset, Summer laughed and stated "well...if ever there was ever aa bestie tattoo that was more us" "no more drinking and tattoos for us though Sum..agreed?"Toni Stated "Agreed" Summer laughed as they took pictures for social media.  Whilst the two women talked, the three men smiled as they listened intently at the door and smiled as they heard the pair laughing "It's nice to hear the pair laughing" Matt smiled "they are as bad as each other...but I have to agree, however much of a headache they are gonna give us, It is nice to hear them laughing again" Nick replied agreeing with his brother as Brandon exclaimed "it is definatley the beginning of the end of our sanity now the she devils are back together"


My Bestie #Tonistorm is #AllElite

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My Bestie #Tonistorm is #AllElite....and that means #TheBlondeRockers are back. Love you girl..the in to my Sane.
Time to make this division ours!!
Side Note..when we party..WE PARTY (Never a dull moment if these are anything to go by)

#ItsToniTime #TheBlondeRockers #weback

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