Flashback #1, around the time of the prologue (13-ish years before)

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(Laff PoV)

I watched as the experiment, B-1424, walked away, two guards by his side. Something about him is... different from the others. I'd seen T-13VG and J-00C13, and they were just all seriousness.

My dad turned to me. "So, Laff, what do you think of the work we do here?"

I shrugged. "It's cool, I guess."

Dad chuckled. "Oh, it's cool. And I have one more test I want you to see."

"Okay!" I said excitedly. I didn't necessarily like seeing Dad using his taser thing on them, but seeing the experiments train is pretty cool.

Dad pulled out his walkie-talkie and muttered something into it. Probably calling in the next experiment or something - he did this earlier, too.

We waited a little bit until two more guards came in. Walking with them was a girl about my age with long, rainbow pastel hair, half tied up with a white hair tie. She wore a black T-shirt, like B-1424, with a dark gray skirt. One of her eyes was sky blue, and the other was light pink. Both had small crosshair shapes in them.

"This is Subject A-117X," Dad said, "A-1, this is Laff."

A-117X smiled, and waved. Awfully quiet, though. I waved back. She seems nice enough.

Dad nodded to the two guards, then turned to me.

"C'mon, let's get out and watch from the command room," he said.

I nodded, and started to follow him to the door.

When suddenly I was pulled backwards by clawed hands.

I breathed heavily in fear as A-117X gripped my arms tightly. She pulled a gun from its holster on her belt, and I felt the barrel against my head.

"A-1!" Dad shouted, "Stand down!"

"What if I don't want to?" She said in a singsong tone, "What if I just wanna..."

She pulled the gun from my head and fired, and I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I cried out and moved my hand to the bullet wound, where I felt blood leaking out and dripping down my arm.

"Or this?"

Another gunshot, and I felt pain in my leg. I cried out again, and fell on my knees (which also hurt. A lot).

Dad switched on his taser and started to come towards us, but A-1 dug her claws into my wounded shoulder as he came close. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want her to have that enjoyment.

Dad looked up at the control room, where there were some guards who didn't know what to do about the situation.

"Get down here, you idiots!" Dad called. All of the guards raced back out of the control room.

A-1 put her claws on my face, and raked them over my eye. At this point I just let the scream out, not having the strength to keep it down. A-1 laughed at my pain.

"Remember this, Laff," A-1 muttered into my ear, "Remember this pain as you watch us suffer at the hands of your father. And think about how similar it is to our pain."

A-1 then pulled out a small knife from her pocket, and held it to my throat. I only had the strength to whimper,

"Please... don't kill me."

"You think I'm gonna kill you?" She chuckled, "Nah. I'd have no use of killing you."

She removed the knife from my throat, and I felt the cold metal blade against the back of my neck.

"Only teach you, and your son of a scientist father, a lesson."

The blade struck deep, and I heard a snap in the back of my neck. I screamed, and fell limply to the ground. I tried to get up, but found myself immobilized.

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