Chapter 14

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(Blaza PoV)

Years. Three years, we've been here. I've seen nothing of the others since I clawed half of Tbh's face off, and it's worrying me.

Of course I didn't want to attack them then. I had basically lost control of my own mind to my instincts, and just went berserk. I still feel horrible about it to this day.

I'm not even sure if they're still alive.

As for the others that came, who knows. It's been driving me crazy not knowing where the hell they are, and if they're still okay.

And the tasers. I hate them, more than I can say. I have some kind of shock collar thing around my neck now as well, and I've tried getting the stiff contraption off to no avail. I feel like some kind of dog that's misbehaved, and it's the worst.

Ally's been no better. She used to be so friendly, and nice to everybody despite her deadly attributes. Now she's just bitter, and reminds me of Eli.

Although I have been wondering... when did Laff ever become an experiment? The first time I met him, he was just a kid and looked human enough. Maybe it was the cloaking device he's been using this whole time?

But there's still the question as to why Eli would turn his own son into one of us. He hates us. My only guess is that he needed someone else to work with that would follow his commands without needing some kind of memory wipe.

Suddenly, someone opened my containment unit door, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was three guards, accompanied by Eli.

"Come on," Eli said, "It's time for me to show you something, B-1."

Eli shifted his hand enough for me to see the collar remote, and deep down I shivered as I remembered the excruciating pain that came from the shock collar. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the guards, allowing them to accompany me on all sides. They all had guns pointed at me the entire time.

How silly, I thought. I could snap those guns in half before they knew I had moved. But one look at Eli, and all thoughts of escape left my head. No way was I gonna mess with the taser.

I was a bit surprised when we passed the usual entrance door for testing. What are we doing? What could Eli possibly want me to do outside the testing chamber?

Soon we arrived in another room with a window on one side, facing outwards into the testing chamber. When we got there, the guards shoved me forward until I was maybe two inches away from the bulletproof glass. I looked down into the chamber.

And I nearly wanted to cry out in fear.


(Tbh PoV)

I was just sitting in my shared unit with Meme when they took me.

Meme was sitting next to me, trying to cheer me up, but after maybe three years of trying to bring my hopes higher he was starting to lose hope himself. I could see why Blaza hated this so much.

Well, I could tell just by the description of it, but living it made it twenty times worse.

A couple of guards came in this morning, and they both grabbed my arms and yanked me to my feet. I had the sudden urge to stab them with the six crab-like legs that extended from my back, but decided against it. I'd still have to go through a bunch more guards if I continued.

The guards brought me down to the testing chamber area. Thats not new - they've taken me down here so much it's basically a second home now. The two threw me inside, closing and locking the door behind me. I got up quickly and looked around, waiting for a robot or something to come at me.

Experimental - A BlazaPlays AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz