until I found you

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Note: please listen to the song while you're reading!

"Khabkhleun, I like you," the words flipped out of Daonuea's mouth in a harsh whisper. You…what? Khleun's heartbeat accelerated looking at the other boy, his mind caught in the middle of capturing and engraving every line of fluffy hazelnut hair and chocolate brown eyes, down to the curve of pink lips in his mind. Still, he froze at the thought of it, the confession catching him off guard. Thoguths raced through Khabkhleun's mind at the speed of light, too fast for him to grasp. Grasping at straws, he said the only thing he remembered.

"Have a safe journey," 


Without knowing why, the urge to write bit him, an unshakable itch that he felt in his bones, even as the other left. Despite never having written much before, the words came out on paper like trails of splattered blood, in brash, bold strokes of blue and gold. Yet, there was something that seemed to quaver in his handwriting, a hesitance that he couldn't quite place, couldn't quite figure. It was almost like it belonged there, though it shouldn't have. He loved Georgia, didn't he? He did, so the words on the paper should ring true. But nothing on parchment echoed a glimmer of that beyond a sliver of what should have been.  

"Georgia, wrap me up in all your," Khabkhleun sang softly, strumming the strings of the guitar as he read off the words he'd scrawled on the piece of paper. The melody brushed against his ears like rough sandpaper, as if trying to wear something in him down. Something about that line echoed oddity in his heart. The words limped off his mouth, dancing in the periphery of his vision, ringing as false as it did true-

"I want you, in my arms. Oh, let me hold you," the image of someone in his arms swarmed his mind, but they looked nothing like Georgia. Instead, a boy took her place, and something about the song seemed off. The way the song felt reverbated in the deep tresses of his soul, deeper than one could see, but shallower than the heart could find. But the words rang hollow in thoughts of the girl he loved, or so he thought.

"I'll never let you go again like I did." Those words whispered true, but he'd never done that before. At least, not to Georgia. Still, his fingers continued storming, the words flowing out of him in a shaky, unsteady stream. "Oh, I used to say,"

His eyes shuttered close as the words left his lips, as soft as a whisper in the wind,"I would never fall in love again until I found her," at that, he paused. The words fit, but they fit his mind, not his heart. Like he was prompted, thrust into inexplicable feelings but he was truly looking at something else. Someone else, if that meant anything at all. Maybe it did,maybe it didn't. Who knew? The world was a paradox of its own.

At least, that's what Khabkhleun told himself, despite the gnawing feeling that was laden in his bones, a grappling hunger that ripped through his sinews, as if he were ravenous, rapturous. Only to be consumed inside. His love for Georgia was like a puzzle missing a few pieces. No matter how you put it, it would never be complete, never be what his soul yearned, craved for.

But he never realised it wasn't that, but because he'd been looking at the wrong puzzle picture. However he put it, the looping maze of his heart would lead back to one place, and one place only. It didn't matter how much he tried convincing himself it was her, the heart knew it's pieces, as did the soul.

Deceive your heart, and you'll only end up deluding yourself.

There was no in-between. Not in matters of the heart. It was a complicatedly simple question of whether you could see clearly or not. Whether you could feel clearly, if you felt anything at all. A matter of recognising, a rare skill some were born with, another that others acquired in the long marathon named life. Life wasn't a race, like many believe it to be. Everyone prodded along at different speeds, running along different routes. Sometimes that meant you lost the people who'd once been with you, but there was the beauty of love. Love, true love had next to nothing to do with physical distance. Of course, it mattered, but someone beside you on the Path of Hearts would matter more than a stranger standing next to you, no matter how close you were. That was the resounding terror and hushed beauty of Forelsket, to love something more than you were prepared for. In a reverie, Khabkhleun wondered how it felt, something ineffable in his mind. Part of him whispered that he did know, the words barely sitting at the back of his tongue.

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