Chapter Six: Earth

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Ferra turned back into a dragon and Georgia helped us onto her back.
Ochie was the last one to climb onto Ferra's back.
"You better hold on tight!" Georgia called.
Ferra flapped her wings and then we were above the ice palace.
I held onto Ochie as Ferra flew higher until we were above the clouds.
"It's so beautiful up here!" Aura threw her arms into the air, the breeze blowing her brown hair out of her face.
Georgia looked back at Aura in shock, "Careful!"
Aura lost her balance and was falling to her death.
Georgia whispered something in Ferra's ear and she turned around, swooping down to catch Aura just in time.
"Don't scare me like that," I whispered.
Earth came into view and Georgia and Ochie pointed excitedly down at the tiny people.
"They look like ants from up here!" Aura laughed.
"What's an ant?" Ochie said, turning back to face her.
This just made Aura laugh harder. "It's a really tiny insect found on earth,"
This didn't seem to help because he now had his mouth open in shock.
Ferra landed in someone's backyard. The house was white and it had grey stairs leading up to the front door.
There was an old woman outside watering her chrysanthemums. She turned to us, causing her spring green dress to twirl.
The old woman dropped her watering can, water spilling onto the grass.
She found her voice and screamed.
"What is she doing?!" Ochie hid behind Georgia, clutching the black fabric of her robe.
Ochius's aunt laughed and gently removed his hands, turning to face his frightened eyes.
"Don't worry, this is perfectly normal human behavior."
Georgia didn't seem to be helping the situation whatsoever.
"Normal?! How is a ear-bleeding noise able to come out of that!" He asked, panicked.
The woman took out her phone and started tapping numbers.
"What is she doing?" Ochius squirmed in his aunt's grip trying to get a better look.
Georgia turned him back to face her and said "Now we run!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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