Chapter Two: Aura Brian

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After breakfast, I quickly told Dad that I had to go out to work and that it was an emergency. I made up something about there being a fire in the store and that I had to help put it out.
Instead of driving to work, I went straight to Fourth West Crescent, Aura's house.
I parked my shiny silver SUV by her white Mercedes and quickly undid my seatbelt.
Aura was waiting by the front door, no doubt she got my text.
I rushed over and kissed her
Aura's hazel hair braided back out of her face.
"Nice to see you again, Conscience." Aura laughed. I blushed and twirled my scarlet hair around my finger, as I lost myself in her dark brown eyes.
"I snuck over some cinnamon rolls. I know how much you love them," I held out the container to her and we headed inside. Just then Cara's name lit up my phone, and I panicked.
"Anything important?" Aura had gone over to fix some tea for us. Thankfully, she couldn't see my face.
"Just my Parents wondering how I'm doing," I answered the call and quickly reassured her that we had successfully put out the fire then hung up without another word.
"You are going to have to tell them at some point, your already twenty-eight and this is our seventh year together, Conscience." She set the mugs on the coffee table by some books.
"I know Aura, but they aren't ready for this." I could feel a lump starting to bloom in my throat.
Aura has always been
"You've kept it from them for long enough,"
I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
I called Mom, and let the phone ring. She never let's the phone ring more than three times.
I took a big gulp of the hot tea which was a big mistake. The minty fresh taste of peppermint filled my mouth. I set the mug back down, as my tongue started to burn.
I'm about to end the call when I hear her voice.
"Hey Honey," said Cara.
I hear Dan in the background yelling at Alan to take a shower.
I let her sentence hang in the air for a moment, before taking a deep breath.
"I'm in love with Aura Brian."
There was an awkward suspenseful silence, then Dad took the phone.
"Conscience Elizabeth Herra! Get in your SUV and drive back home this instant!"
There it was that old familiar yell that I hadn't heard since Alan and I broke Mom's favorite Vase.
I kissed Aura on the cheek, "I'll call you later,"
I give her one last hug before turning out of the driveway and onto the busy road. I stop at a red light before turning onto the highway. A giant container truck swerves into my lane, I must have blacked out because when I awoke I was in the Cure Medical Hospital, the name always gave me a good laugh. My family and Aura were there along with a Doctor. I recognized the doctor as Alen Cure, he and my brother never seemed to have a dull moment. Alen said it must have been fate that he was Cure's first patient.
The Doctor was speaking to my family and Aura but the words never reached my ears.
Dad turned to me, relief filled his smile,
"Your awake!"
"She will be fine in a few days,"
The Doctor opened the door, and gently closed it behind her.
"Why didn't you tell us about Aura sooner? You know we will support you no matter what,"
Alan smiled.
"I...I was afraid of what you would do if you found out, it's easier to keep something inside than, to tell the truth," Tears started to fill my eyes.
"At least now we know you aren't with Liam,"
This gave us all a good laugh.
"Do you remember what happened?" Said Cara.
"I don't, the only thing I remember is kissing Aura on the cheek, everything else is a blur."
Aura blushed at hearing this.
"So how did you guys meet?" Alan teased.
"At Deirdre's Book Store, I was looking at books when I bumped into her and we found out we both shared a love for fantasy. That's how we found our spark."

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