Chapter 4

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Two months earlier

"What's the situation regarding inventory, Supervisor Adams?" Director Wilson's stern face stared at Ken through the monitor.

"We've identified the projects which are still loose. We have one project in-house – Project Marzanna. The rest... well, it's easier to show you." He typed something on the keyboard in front of him, and the list of projects identified by Blackwing since the beginning appeared on-screen. Wilson looked at it. The list was clear enough. "We've listed them as in-house, out, unknown, or dead."

"I'm sorry, Adams... you said forty-four projects. There should only be forty-two."

"Well, I was Project Alpha while I was detained here, so I no longer count but I'm still part of historical inventory, and then there's a project that shows up but there's only one single line written in the file."


"Project X. The only thing written about this one is that they were lethal, and could control everything." Ken looked up. "But that's it. There are no other records. No-one knows anything else. The file hasn't just been redacted, Director... it's been obliterated."

"Then find out what it was. I'm sure you'll be able to bring something up from the depths." Wilson smiled, but there was something behind it that was threatening. "What are the unknown subjects?"

"We don't know if they're out and alive, or dead, for the moment. I've a team of researchers tracking all the information down on them that they can. The ones marked 'out' are being tracked as far as possible."

"How will you recover them?"

"I was hoping you'd approve the use of Mr Priest?" Wilson made to open her mouth, but Ken continued. "He's our best bounty hunter, Director. He understands the subjects best. If we have twenty-three subjects to hunt down, he's our best shot yet."

"Mr Priest was paid to leave many years ago, Adams. I'm surprised Mr Friedkin saw fit to call upon him again. His name was struck from the records for a reason."

"Ma'am, all I ask is that you trust me. Mr Priest is the best hope we have at bringing the subjects back safely."

"I suppose he did rein himself in this time..." Wilson mused a little. "If anything goes wrong with Priest this time, Adams, or a single subject dies by his hand needlessly, your position is over and you'll be dissolved from the leadership."

"I understand, Ma'am."

"Good. Update me in a week." Ken nodded. He said goodbye, and turned the screens off. Priest had better behave this time, since he was officially on the payroll again. He left the room, intending to finish his day with some research on the elusive Project X.

The sun rose over the expansive, sprawling acres that Priest called home. He was happy, content, the sun's soft morning rays bathing his face in a soft glow, waking him. A soft pair of lips met his, and his hand moved to catch a fistful of the hair at the back of Ellie's head.

"Good morning, Osmund," she said softly, straddling him.

"Morning, flower," Priest replied gruffly, pulling her head back a little. He kissed her throat softly, barely opening his eyes. "I sure hope it isn't before seven."

"A little after," Ellie murmured, submitting to him entirely. She grinded her hips into him slightly, and he rolled her over, his weight pinning her down. "I want you."

"I figured," Priest murmured, kissing her deeply. His hand moved down to her hips, and he growled when he found she was already naked and ready for him. "Presumptive this mornin', aren't ya, darlin'?" Ellie gave him access to wherever his hands moved to, kissing his shoulder.

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