"I think we figured out how they're moving around without being seen."


"The drainage system. They connect all of the packs."


"Yeah. Come inside. We have a map that shows the entire drainage system. Every pack is connected."

"No. That can't be right."

"It is."

He followed me inside to where Alastair was.

"Beta Alastair, this is my father, Beta Kenrick of the Moon Mist pack."

"Beta Alastair," my father said, extending his hand.

"Beta Kenrick," Alastair grasped his hand and shook. "I understand you've been investigating this situation?"

"I have been. This is the first time they've been spotted though." Dad looked around the crowded area. "Ellie said there's a map of the drainage system?"

"There is. We can go to my office to look at it."

Dad nodded and we followed Alastair to a large office with books everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess."

"My office looks the same," dad chuckled.

"Uh, this table should work."

"Anywhere special you want these, hun?" Ashley asked.

Dad raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I shook my head and grabbed a handful of the books.

"No, just anywhere out of the way." Alastair pulled out the map and started laying it out. "Okay, so this area is Silver Peak. Our drainage system is the blue lines."

He traced his finger to a large black line.

"What is that?" dad asked.

"The black line is the main drainage system that connects all of the packs. Here is Moon Mist. Misty Pines. Deer Creek. And..."

"Winter Lake."

"Could they be there?" I asked. "How open are their drains?"

"All of the drains are supposed to be blocked off with iron gates."

"I don't think the gates are working," Ashely mumbled.

"I don't think so either."

"Does anyone here have a clue as to what these things are?" dad questioned.

Alastair was about to answer but was interrupted by screams.

"What the fu..."

He opened his office door and saw a mass of people running down the hallway. "What's going on?"

"Hey! You! What's happening."

Nobody answered. They ran and screamed. Their screams couldn't drown out the guttural sound of the creature's scream.

"They're inside?" Ashley asked in a whispered panic.

"There is no way. The pipes that connect the buildings to the drainage system are not big enough to anything besides maybe a rat to get through. There is no way." Alastair closed the door. "I need to go out there and see what's happening."

"I'll go with you," dad said. "Girls, stay here."

"Dad, I'm not letting you out of here."

"Ellie, stay put."

"Dad. No."

"What are you going to do? You just turned 18. You have no idea how to control your wolf yet. You don't know how to fight. You need to stay here."

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