Hashira Douma's was slowly life was slowly falling, as Uppermoon Douma tried to protect him as he used his attacks while calling for Hashira Akaza. "DOUMA!!" Hashira Akaza screamed as he held a dying Douma in his arms while he sat. "DONT FUCKING DIE ON ME YOU DUMBASS!" Tears started to swell up in his eyes. "STAY WITH ME! PLEASE! I NEED YOU!" Akaza yelled as Demon Douma couldn't help but feel bad, and also Jealousy. Anger. He wished his Akaza cared for him this way liie the Hashira cared for this Douma. He felt like giving up. Letting the two die together as he just walked away. But he couldn't. He had to be the savior. He made the big decision to attract all of the uppermoons attention as the all ran towards him as he taunted them for being weak and threatened their Demon King. He ran as the others watched. The original world uppermoons helped Uppermoon Douma as Hashira Douma was being crowded by his friends while he layed dying in his friend's-...lover's...lap. He looked up at Akaza with sorrowful eyes as he opened his mouth to speak while blood poured out onto Akaza. "I've always....loved...." he manged to speak as he coughed up blood. "You Akaza...." He looked at his friends While Akaza screamed. "Be..safe." He started. "I'll be waiting for you in another world from here...." He smiled, as everyone else begged for him to stay, not wanting him to go. The poison kicked in- he widened his eyes as he began to gasp harshly- his heart slowly killing him as the poison kicked in- making him fade into ashes. It was the end of his path. For good. "DOUMA NO YOU FUCKING STUPID IDIOT COME BACK WE NEED YOU!" Akaza screamed. "DOUMA!!!" Daki screamed. "GYUTARO!!" Kaigaku yelled and shouted in pain- his heart breaking at the sight of his one and only suffering. "NO! STAY WITH ME! STAY WITH US! WE NEED YOU- YOU...CHERRY!" Kaigaku screamed and cried out for him. "HEY- WAKE UP YOU DUMMY! PLEASE!" He shook Gyutaro as the rest noticed what was happening. Daki's eyes widened in horror, and she screamed in pain and agony as he leg gave out on her and she fell on a sword- stabbing through her neck as it flew upwards and landed on the handle. "DAKI!" Kaigaku screamed as Akaza watched in terror. "NO!" Gyutaro suddenly spoke, as his eyes had slowly witnessed what had happened. "DAKI!" Gyokko ran over, horribly injured. "..Oh dear..." Hantengu spoke finally- now covered in scars. "WHY! WHY US?" Kaigaku screamed and yelled. "OUT OF EVERY FUCKING ONE, WHY US?" Kaigaku cried into Gyutaro's bleeding shoulder. Surprisingly surprising, the tears healed the wound and the rest of his body. Kaigaku lifted his head in shock as he felt the wound heal- then he realized he could save everyone else. "GYUTARO!" More tears fell from his eyes as happiness ran over him- as it hit the ground, the healing spread all-over, healing Gyokko, Hantengu, Akaza, Daki, and-"Wait..KOKUSHIBO!" They yelled and suddenly a figure came crashing in, the ground lifting as Kokushibo jumped in after. Yoriichi stood after the impact. "Yoriichi, Kokushibo!" Kaigaku yelled. Everyone was healing and the sword that was in Daki's neck slowly removed itself. "How the hell..." Yoriichi questioned. "Is everyone healing if they aren't a demon-?"

A voice spoke from above, startling them all. "It wasn't their time to pass on. Their paths must grow and lead onto roads before it ends on a battleground."

The voice boomed over them all and the sky- it was higher than the clouds. It was as if it was in space. "Woah.." Akaza looked up as the clouds moved put of the way of the sun. "SHI-" Yoriichi screamed hut then noticed he wasn't burning. Kokushibo had threw him into the shadows. A tear ran down Kokushibo's face as he smiled. He dropped to his knees as his battle scars started to get a tole on him.

"But this very life here, will be taken."

"NO!" Kaigaku argued with the voice. "WHEN THE SUN SHINES WE SHINE TOGETHER!" Daki yelled at the sky as she stood. Douma still Hadn't come back, nor had the uppermoon.

"You shall not disagree or agree. You shall not argue with the voice of the beyond. This is not a choice of yours, but mine. You are all under my control. You cannot control-"

Douma rose from his ashes and Gyutaro stood. But, something was wrong. Douma didn't....feel the same.

"Douma-" He looked up and his eyes glowed as he had sharp teeth. He plastered a smile on his face and put his fans infront of his face. Blood around his mouth.


"Oh~Akaza!" Douma looked over at Akaza and ran towards him. Akaza was frozen- and so Was the rest of them. Gyutaro looked off, but only a bit more pale. The same with Daki. "Whatchu doin?" Douma asked as Akaza pulled away.

"Well bye bitches." The booming voice echoed as it left.

"What.The.Fuck." Akaza finally manged. "Is going on." He spoke. "This has to be a dream." Daki yawned. "Someone pinch me!"

"Alalallala! Lalalaaa." Douma sang.

"Bro shut the hell up."

As Daki was pinched, she woke. Surprisingly surprising, it worked. But everyone was still dead and her brother Gyutaro was still dying while Akaza cried about Douma.

"This is gonna be hard to recover from." Gyokko sighed. Shaking his head. "We've lost so many of us already." He went on.

"So...that dream of Everyone coming back to life was a very dramatic dream?" Daki questioned. Surprisingly surprising, Kaigaku had the same dream that he just woke from. The same as Akaza and Gyokko, and Hantengu. Then they all woke again to see Douma and Gyutaro alive. "What and how the hell..." Akaza spoke. "Ah! Akaza!!" Douma ran over yellingnat the now awake Akaza. "I just had the most weirdest dreams!" He smiled, eyes closed. That made Akaza turn into a strawberry. Before it was too late he decided to do what was needed. Daki woke and so did Gyutaro. They both rose at the same time and glared at a surprise and caught off-guard Douma as Akaza kissed him. Douma hesitated to kiss back but went on ahead, wrapping his arms around him. Daki wanted to scream at the eight but decided to keep quiet, not to scare them off of eachother.l and ruin the moment. "Say..where did our..demon versions go?" Gyokko asked. "Where even are we?" Hantengu asked. "Wait a minute- I think I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension.." Kaigaku was being dramatic. "Kaigaku shut up." Kokushibo growled, still disturbed by his dream.

"Ah- I didn't evennnotice those two love-birds." Gyokko pointed out. "Oh yea." Kaigaku then realized. "EWWWW GO GET A ROOOMMM!"

Kaigaku yelled at them. "Kaigaku..shut the FUCK UP!" Douma snapped. "I DIDNT SAY THAT SHIT WHEN I SAW YOU AND GYUTARO FUCKING OUTS-" he was cut off as a sword barely missed the middle of his forehead. "...." It was utter silence as everyone started at Kaigaku and Gyutaro. Gyutaro turned cherry red and Kaigaku got angry. "OH YEA?" Kaigaku started. "WELL ATLEAST I DIDNT FUCK IN THE KITCH-" Kaigaku was also cut off by a slipper hitting his forehead, knocking him out. Kokushibo walked over and took it back. "That was private information of mine." Kokushibo spoke E eeyone stared at him and be just realized what he had said.

"Oh fuck-"

Just Flip The Switch||A Reverse KNY Story||W.I.P.Where stories live. Discover now