Pietro tuned back into his phone only to have Friday interrupt him.

"Pietro are you not going to the lobby?" Friday's voice asked him

"Wait the message was for me? Tell me the message again Friday." Pietro said

"Pietro, your presence has been requested in the lobby a boy is saying your boyfriend has a suprise for you" repeated Friday

"Friday take me down to the lobby please ."Pietro says as he super speeds to the elevator.

Pietro quickly becomes restless in the elevator even tho the to down 100 stories should take 10 minutes it only took 5 but Pietro couldn't help but think he could have run all the way around the world in that time if he wanted to 50 times over why didn't he take the stairs it would have been quicker. Sighing and tapping his foot impatiently fast enough to wear a hole into the floor had it not been a vibrainium elevator.

Finally hearing a ding that signaled that Pietro had arrived at the lobby and saw the funny scene of Peter sitting on the floor doing kitten eyes towards two well build security guards who looked like they didn't quite know what to do.

Pietro couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of what he was seeing. Peter seeing his boyfriend immediately stood and ran to him tucking his head under pietro's chin as Pietro wrapped his arms around the boys waist.

"This was your suprise babe? I have to say I was surprised Petey" Pietro chuckled lightly

"No that's not the only suprise, I got the stark internship !!!" Cheers Peter smiling brightly at his boyfriend.

Pietro can't help but grin at his boyfriend's excitement.

"That's great babe !! I'm taking you up to the pent house I want to eat and watch a movie with my boyfriend to celebrate!" The two boys made their way up in the elevator and settled down on the couch holding each other and enjoying the time they had together.

After hours and hours of star wars movie marathon Pietro thought he heard a light snoring coming from beside him when a light weight fell on his shoulder. Peter was fast asleep.

Pietro turned the TV off and pulled Peter closer into a cuddle placing his nose into Peter's curly hair and slowly falling asleep as Peter curled into him and the blanket that Pietro had placed around them at the begining of the second movie.

Time skip (1am)

Clint pov
The mission had ran in for far longer than anyone had anticipated it to we were all battered and bruised except Tony because if his stupid armour like no fair ! Me and Nat don't get cool shit Luke that we are normal people with enhanced skills with relatively normal weapons and we still go out and risk our lives.

Pietro had better have gone to bed' Clint thought as he made his way to the kitchen for something to eat before bed. Clint was both physically and mentally exhausted as he rummaged around the kitchen for some food.

( You decide what he eats it could be revolting but I wouldn't care )

Before walking into the lounge to eat and drink. What he didn't expect was to find Pietro curled up on the couch with another boy. The two looked peaceful curled up together pietro with his face burries in the curly hair of the other and the boy with his head tucked under his kids chin both baring a contented smiles. This boy is Peter, Clint decided before sitting to eat his sandwich in peace.

The atmosphere was peaceful and calm then Pietro stirred in his sleep pulling Peter even closer to him muttering a quiet " I love you  Petey pie." And placing a kiss on his forehead, this making Peter stir lightly before whispering back "I live you more .... I love you Pietro"  before nestling himself deeper into pietro's embrace.

Clint now finished with his meal walked out of the room before asking Friday
"Hey Fri did you record that?"
"Of course bird brain I record everything"
Clint rolled his eyes at tints childish nature before talking to Friday again.
"That's great Friday could you save it to my phone please?"

A ding came form his phone rather than a reply from the AI. Clint couldn't help but grin, his kid was happy. Clint sent the video to the group chat and turned off his phone and went to bed.

Hey persons another chapter here for your entertainment uwu
Hope you like it.
Till next time
Live you all

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