"What do you think people will say when they find out about the new school?" Nicola asked as we walked around the perimeter of the playground, nominally keeping an eye on our sisters whilst Miss Ford had joined one of her nanny friends for coffee. Neither of us were under any discipline, because I was trusted and Nicola was practising. But lots of other people were.

"I hope people will see that it is an investment in the community...very few families have the money to send their children to Deepdene, and Grandpa is targeting those ordinary families who are just as devout, but need a cost-effective option that they can afford?" I explained, as Nicola was only present for dinner once or twice a week, and was not aware of the details. "But we think that the church...or rather Mr Ellesmere...will object to someone else barging in on their territory. Grandpa is paying for everything...so, it is generous philanthropy and it ought to be welcomed because more Reformist families will be able to educate their children in a safe and Christian environment...but the fundamentalists want to control everything..."

"So, more trouble then? Oh, my goodness, Hermione...look over there?" Nicola gasped, her hand squeezing my arm so hard it hurt, as she stared back towards the café. I frowned, and followed her gaze, where Miss Danvers, of all people, was fussily shepherding Miss Camilla Ellesmere, Miss Annabel Ellesmere and Mrs Arabella Forsyth towards a table. It had been very cold earlier, but the sun had come out and the weather was almost springlike, so some of the outside tables were in use. So, I was not surprised that the four familiar faces were choosing to sit outside, but by the fact that Camilla and Annabel were dressed as maidens, and that poor Bella was with them, under discipline.

"Well, I suspected that Camilla would be released from the nursery for the summer...she is old, like me, so she should be getting married...and that would free Annabel too...but why would poor Bella be with them?" I groaned, feeling so sorry for my friend. It was hard to spend any time with her, because her grandmother no longer approved of our friendship, and it was sad enough seeing her with Sheila Radcliffe, dancing to her grandmother's tune, but making her socialise with two new maidens, under the eagle eye of the odious Miss Danvers, was quite simply cruel.

"Hello you two...nice to see you, Miss Nicola?" Annie Stewart said cheerily, appearing out of nowhere beside us.

"Good afternoon, Miss Stewart." Nicola said, rather hastily, but performing a quite excellent curtsey. I said the same, and did the same, with a broad smile. I did not see enough of Annie either, because she was so busy at Deepdene.

"Have you got an afternoon off, Miss Stewart?" I asked, taking in her blue gown and heavy cloak, and remembering how she once said that she would never wear the fancy dress. But she had to wear the Deepdene staff uniform if she wanted her large salary and free flat, so she had changed her mind.

"Not at the weekend, in termtime! I don't get time to breath usually on Saturdays, but I had an errand to run...well, that's new...isn't it?" Annie said, spotting Bella and the others. "Those girls were at school yesterday?"

"Yes, we only just noticed them...and poor Bella?" I told her, exchanging concerned looks like old friends do.

"She is spending a lot of time up at the school...Pastor John has been appointed as Chaplain of Deepdene, giving daily services, and Bella always attends those with Mrs Radcliffe...it is not pretty to watch." Annie muttered, more to me than Nicola.

"I liked Pastor John...and so did Bella, after her honeymoon..." I sighed, wondering why none of the men around Mr Ellesmere seemed to have any backbone. "But he seems to have changed, just like Mr Radcliffe?"

"He wants to be your next Senior Pastor, apparently...and as Mr Ellesmere and his friends seem to be in the majority amongst the elders, so conspicuous piety it is...and he doesn't really torture Bella himself, he just lets her grandmother do it." Annie said, as she took our arms and walked with us. "Or your mother, Hermione? Those two terrorise all the teaching staff, and even some of my team, although they don't have as much influence there, because most of us are not Reformists. But it is the non-working wives of the teaching staff who really get it...they are like walking advertisements for the doctrine. And Mrs Deacon keeps a close eye on every single one of them, with your mum's eager assistance. So, now Bella is there daily...they all have to attend the daily service. But she probably prefers that to being under Miss Danvers idea of discipline?"

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