Cues. (Sylvain)

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Ah, yes. The womanizer of the class. Even of the army. Never ceased to amaze you how many layers he has. So, here you are, resting with him. Cheer and laughter rang through the dining hall, the classes excited that the war was now over. The Kingdom persisted, and during the final fight you saw that Sylvain once again put in extra effort to make sure you are okay during that battle.

But no, he decided to try and protect you. It was alright for right now; you hadn't thought much of it since you were stuffing your face with food. When Ingrid, Sylvain, Felix, and Dimitri glanced at you they burst into laughter. You grimace, leisurely shoveling the rest of the food in your face before turning to Ingrid.

"Is it really that bad?" You look to Ingrid for an answer. She did her best to remain her noble self, but she couldn't help but giggle at the site of you enjoying food so thoroughly. Most of the class knew that you had not been regularly eating this past week, so their giggles and laughs were part of them being delighted that you were eating. Scanning their faces, Sylvain is virtually relieved. You would have expected him to start trying to flirt with you without delay, but he did not.

"It's good that she's eating now, isn't that right Dimitri?" Annette nudged Dimitri with her elbow, sending the prince into a sort of staring contest with her. Now, most of the Blue Lions knew that Dimitri held affections for you- apart from you.

This within itself was not astonishing, they loved to taunt Dimitri. They were childhood friends. Ingrid and you had been friends for as long as you could remember, and you both were adamant lovers of food. There was just too much goodness that came with nutrients for you to deny. It also was a shock to you that Felix did not like sweets, but hey, more for you.

Dimitri practically jumped out his seat as he was focused on you and not him. He turned to Annette, "Hm? N-no, it is quite good that she is eating once more. It is quite relieving to see." then he smiled at you. Your face tinted slightly at this comment, taken aback that they paid so close attention to your eating methods or routine. You were glad to see that your friends cared for you so deeply. One thing was off, though. Sylvain had been so silent this entire time.

"Hey, Sylvie, mind talking to me alone for a second?" You stood and nodded toward the exit of the dining hall. With a slightly puzzled nod, he stands to stroll with you. Sylvie was a nickname you handed to him years ago. You have known him for too long for him not to have some type of special nickname in your book. At first, he detested it. Now, he's grown to have a soft spot for the name you gave him. But only when you call him that. Either way, that got the group to chortle. Dimitri knew even if he harbored sentiments for you, Sylvain has had feelings for you for longer and Dimitri respects the love interest of one of his best friends.

Standing by the fishing spot, nothing could be heard but the commotion of the marketplace and the dining hall. Alone, you two were. Sylvain sat his hands behind his head, looking up. "What's up, Y/n?" He seemed vaguely anxious, yet at the same time more at ease from being absent from everyone else. Being friends for such a long time really helped you notice these cues.
"I've observed that you've been concentrating on me during battles recently." You state, putting your hands on your hips that slightly swayed as your hands fell to them. Sylvain took notice to this, dropping his hands to his sides. Instead of offering you a valid reply, he turns around.

"Meet me at the tower. Tomorrow." His faintly burgundy ears were visible as he spoke this, hands twiddling with his gear. He walks away without explanation, and the night carries on.

The next day, you spent it as usual. Running errands around the kingdom and prepping repairs throughout the kingdom. You thought on the location- the Goddess's tower would be the perfect place to share with Sylvain how you feel. In fact, you kept the proposal ring with you. When the night came by, you set on your route to Sylvain.

The moon was visible, as was the stars. There was Sylvain, looking tense beyond you've seen him. Walking up to him, your boots click at the ground. "Sylvain?" You question, placing your hand on his shoulder. Not waiting at all, he tugs you into a hug. Awkwardly, you embrace him back. "If you wanted a hug you didn't have to get me alone to do so." You chuckle, breaking the hug.

You catch a hint of silver. "Y/n..." He sighs, pulling you in. "I've meant to talk to you. About everything." You must have worn the classic 'what is going on' look because he took one look at you and continued. "This is going to come off the wrong way, but I promise I'm serious about this!"

You giggle, poking fun. "Sylvain? Serious? I'm afraid." Nudging him, he goes to the ground. Honestly, you were afraid you forced him too hard. But no, he had leaned on the rail of the tower. A small ring rested upon his hand.

"Y/n, I want you to marry me. You have been there since we were kids, always staying even on your playfulness. It is something extraordinary, even if I do worry for you. You've become everything to me." He reaches out to grasp your hand and you let your hand holding your ring into his. He notes that your hand is still balled. As you open your hand, you see his eyes widen, his restless closed mouth contorts to a crooked smile. He then slides the ring on your hand. "Is this..." His gaze drops to your hand.

Your smile widens. "My answer is yes, Sylvain. The ring is for you, but I was going to ask before you did-" you gesture to the ring, "this."

Both of you were overjoyed now. Catching you off guard, he picks you up and swirls you round. After sitting you down he replays this moment in his head. "This... this was why I was silent. I didn't know when to tell you."

Oh, how bad he was at reading your cues.

(Time-skip, I am lazy.)

Later that evening, you two enjoyed tea in his room. He was all over you, hugs, kisses- you name it. "I'm so lucky..." He started, trailing kisses across your face. His fiancé, his future wife, his his his. He loved the concept of you being only his, and him only being yours. He has a bit of proving to do in the skirt chasing department, but it did not matter as long as he was with you. To further solidify the fact, he went further...



Thank you, guys. I love you.

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