Stubborn. (Dedue)

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"Don't trust him!"


Of course, people had to be so judgmental about him. Just because he is from Duscur. He seemed used to it, and never went near many besides Dimitri and Professor. It just was not fair, even after this war begun, they spoke of him so unjustly. He had not even been back in the monastery for long and they all flung names at him.

Some blamed him for Rodrigue's death. They were so senselessly belligerent and unethical. You had known Dedue since before the war started, as you were in the Blue Lions class as the adoptive sister of Ashe. You would typically be found in the garden or in the cafeteria, assisting with anything the staff required. You got close to him while on gardening duty. He recounted of flowers that flourish only in Duscur, and you reminisced as you stood before them.
You thought about how he would always tell you to avoid being seen with him, and you would laugh it off and called him a giant teddy bear. He was not talkative, but he was a dear friend.

"After all this time, and you still are beautiful..." You inspected the flowers, focusing on the ones Dedue told you about from Duscur. Faint footsteps were heard as you were in the garden.

You turned to see none other than Dedue. You were so happy to see your friend after so long, especially when you thought he was dead. He gave a grunt of bewilderment, then spoke once more.

"You should not be this close; they will suspect you."

Dedue looked out for you, in his own little way. Though, you were not about to let him off that easy.

"Dedue! The flowers are still so gorgeous, look!" You practically dragged him to the flowers from your fondest memories together. He had a very faint smile, which would be easy to miss if you were not familiar with his mannerisms. You grinned seeing his delight about the flowers.

"It reminds me of you," Here you were, ready to compare him to another bizarre thing, but he always appreciated listening to you speak. "Even after so many years of relentless belligerence and trial, you remain with your heart- your beauty as a person- akin to this flower that still is absolutely magnificent even after war almost wrecked the monastery."

Dedue's chortle only grew, as he mutely noted how you stubbornly marched into scenarios where assumptions were made regarding you, knowing people already had complications with you. You were a thief that slain someone, or at least that is what they labeled you as. That man you killed took your birth mother's pendant after murdering her. You just returned the favor, yet everyone saw you as dirt for that. To protect Ashe's reputation, you had gone to Abyss, where you became fast friends with Yuri. When they saw you with Dedue, they were ruthless with their words.

Sure, it bothered you, but not enough that you would abandon Dedue. It was crazy, yet it was so... you. Dedue was fond of you, in fact, you were just as important as Dimitri to him. Maybe more. You never lost that tenacious kindness, no matter what people did or believed. He adored your stubbornness. He adored you. No... that was not a decent enough word.

He cherished you.

As you told him about how he was like the flower, his smile was brighter than normal. You could get used to this. As you did frequently, you embraced him. He generally tried to not return that embrace, so things were not harsher for you, but you long since demonstrated your deeds as justice with that murderer of your mom.

He squeezed you back.

Your appearance must have been laced with shock because he remarked how you froze when he returned your embrace. It felt so nice, to cuddle you. All this time he desired to so bad, but he wanted to protect you... Finally, he could do it. He knew you were more than capable in the battlefield, but he wanted you to have normalcy. You were a treasure, and he intended to protect you the best he could. He felt your smile through the hug.


You have a curious hum in reply.

"Thank you." He tightened his grasp on you, as if fearful you would float away. Luckily, you did not plan on it anytime soon. You blissfully sighed, not feeling the need to speak much.

"When the war is over, there are many flowers like these in Duscur. Would you like me to take you?" He was still holding you, apprehensive that you would answer no.

"Would I like you to? I would love to go with you, Dedue!" You leaped off your tippy toes to peck Dedue's cheek. His face was dusted cherry after. Not a bad look for a giant teddy bear, if you say so yourself.

"I would love to go anywhere, if it's with you..." You nuzzled into his chest, embarrassed that you said it audibly.

Whatever hesitation Dedue held was gone, as he lifted you up and rocked you. He set you down, gently caressing all over your face, earning a few giggles from you. He sighed happily, one thing replaying in his mind. He had to tell you; the time was perfect.

"I love you, Y/N."

It knocked the wind out of you. Not the same as when you are sparring with Felix, not in the same way as when you were fighting bandits. This kind was a warm and tingly one, and it felt right. Your legs wobbled slightly, you never expected Dedue to be so straightforward.

You had loved him silently so long. This man endured hell and still managed to be so kind, to the flowers, to those that despised him... to everyone. You did not ever want to lose this man ever again.

"I love you too, Dedue."

Dimitri had seen the two in the garden and knew for years how the two of you felt. To finally have peace where his vassal and closest friend finally realized love in someone, in you, made him joyful. He knew how much Dedue would try to avoid you, and how much you asked the professor to pair you two up. You had even come to Dimitri to ask of Dedue's hobbies and favorite tea. He would ask how to protect what good you kept in your record. To sum it up:

You both were as stubborn as you could be.


1093 words.
I am in love with this chapter, ngl. The idea came as ok Dedue time, but I did not know what to write about. I am happy at the result.

Dedue is a sweetheart, and he truly did not get enough love.

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