Why? (Ferdinand)

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You never really thought much of his odd behavior, really.

When you joined your brother's class, the Black Eagles, you never expected for Ferdinand to be so bold challenging your brother's lifelong crush, or the future Empress. Eventually, however, you both switched to the Golden Deer class.

You had respect for Edelgard, as you saw how fond Hubert was of her. But when you joined, Ferdinand voiced his shock that Hubert even had a sister.

Understandable, I guess.

A name you heard often in the training area was Ferdinand, if not Felix. He was always competing with Edelgard on everything, and it annoyed you greatly. Of course anything said by Hubert was taken as if someone's lap dog was telling them off. You couldn't stand it anymore.

After your drills with Byleth and a small talk with Hilda, you felt ready to talk to him. He was in the library, entranced in a book. His hair was... beautiful. You took time to admire his curly orange locks as he read his story.

Maybe you got carried away. Ferdinand cleared his throat, looking at you. You had been caught staring.

"I-I can explain! I was waiting for you to finish your book!" Flustered, you did your best to explain. Your face must have been red, because he walked up to you and put the back of his hand to your forehead.

"You look awfully feverish, are you alright?"

It took a moment, but you nodded. He moved his hand and stepped back, now realizing he was intimately close.

You reminded yourself why you had come to see him. Your grimace returned.

"Why do you do it?"

He was clearly taken aback by your question. Before he had the chance to reply, you continued.

"Why do you try to compete with Edelgard so much? Do you really feel that incompetent?" You hadn't planned on asking more, but thouhts of his current feats and stature as a person surfaced in your mind. You spoke without a filter.

"What is it worth to you? You know she has been strong, but so have you! You also are an advisor that is well versed and knowledgeable. You're studious, you train hard, you usually don't compare others to you unless its Edel! I don't get why you are so determined to prove yourself if you already do so well! I notice how you take care of those around you and your excellent brewing methods, too... I do not see what there isn't to like about you other than that need to surpass her..." The last part was something you hadn't realized you spoke until a moment later: You never intended to let it slip.

He was bewildered beyond belief at your outburst. You promptly ran out, embarrassed with yourself. You avoided him for the better of a few moons.

Edelgard did it, soon after. She chose war... and professor was gone. 5 years came and went, then everyone found their way back to see Claude and Teach still at it. They were surrounded, and no way will you risk losing your beloved teacher again. You rather impulsively ran at a theif with your trusty steel sword, but they got the better of you. Before they could do a fatal blow, a familiar orange swiftly made it's way before you, catching the theif off guard.

You realized that Lysithea was with the professor the whole time, and you acted too rash. After you and the others cleared the bandits from the ruins, that familiar orange hair appeared once more. You were wounded, and would need someone as a crutch. Once he turned to help you, you realized who that familiar hair belonged to.

None other than Ferdinand.

He smiled at you, but didn't say a word. He was focused on getting you back to the monestary safe. You prayed to Sothis that he forgot that moment between you two all those years back.

In the infirmary, you saw that gorgeous orange hair again. You didn't have much time to admire it due to the fact you passed out after laying down to have your wounds checked.

A few days passed, and your wound was definitely closing up, but you still had a slight limp to your movements. Your hobby as of recent was reading in the library, no matter if it were in Abyss or in the church. As normal, you take your quill and paper to the library and sit down.

Alright, if Rhea created those machines, how did they work?

You were absorbed in the design of the giant machines that you failed to recognize someone walk in. You only realize after a while that someone was intently watching you.


You shot to your feet, unsure of what to say. You avoided him for months, and was not ready to face him after all this time. However, he was.

"Y/N Von Vestra... I apologize for my childishness from before. I do know it wasn't directed at you, but your words became clearer after these years. After separating from the Empire, your words rung more true than ever. I... cannot thank you enough for those words."

He was earnest, and was apologizing. To you. Unsure of how to feel, you accepted the apology. One little thing was on your mind.

Did he remember?

As if on cue, he stepped forward. He put his hand on your head once more. This time he let it slide down to your cheek, staring at you the whole time. No doubt, you were red.

"I thought much of what you said, despite others saying similar things. I do think I understand now." His face was dusted red, as the hand not on your face takes hold of your hand.

"Your words stuck with me because they meant the most to me. I- I returned hoping to find you again, and to tell you of two things." His eyes held a confidence I had remembered well, with a new light of determination.

"I know I am not as strong as her, but I must train to be able to take her down... This is what I realized, during that fight 5 years ago. You knew you were weaker than Hubert, but you fought him with the resolve to keep others safe. Your own brother, which you tirelessly worked hard to surpass..."

He smiled a bittersweet smile, caressing your face. He leaned closer to you, to the point you could feel his breath tickle your nose.

"In those years, I scoured Fodlan for you. I had to tell you that..." He took a deep breath, focusing on your eyes. He was beet red, but he was determined to finish. "You gave me my resolve to leave the Empire..."

He could not get himself to his point verbally, so he took the hand on your cheek and tilted your head upward. You were crimson, and closed your eyes in embarrassment. You felt a warm presence on your lips.

He kissed you.

He pulled back quickly, apologetically stumbling over his words. He was still close, but he spoke so softly you almost missed his confession.

"I love you, so deeply."

You teared up, hugging him in reply. You were lost for words, so you let your arms do the speaking. He tensed up, but relaxed immediately after. His heart was pacing, as was yours. He figured you avoided him because you were angry, so he had been ready to be rejected. But you...

You accepted him.

You loved him too.

He was thrilled, all those days of dreaming to be the one you'd stay with was now reality.

His lips met with your forehead, while he whispered words of affection to you. Professor Byleth grinned, while Sothis commented on how outrageous the wait for the two of you to confess was. Professor Byleth had finally helped you realize how you felt about him, while stopping the obnoxious behaviors Ferdinand once had.

Claude applauded, snapping both of you out your moment. Your faces are red as the valley of torment at this point.

"Now we just have to get Lorenz someone to snap him out his behavior."




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