Chapter 27 - The Lannister Army

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"I want you to come with me. To fight by my side."

Daenerys's request still rung in Lyon's ears. Above the clanking of her armor, the words shone through. She remembered her half-sister's face, soft yet serious. She knew the weight of her ask, yet she asked anyways. Lyon was a dauntless warrior, but that did not take away the dangers of battle.

Lyon hungered for this battle. It would be a reprieve from her constant pacing. Lyon needed the action to keep her sane. And this way she could exact her vengeance on the Lannister army for the sacking of Highgarden. A place which, in another life, Lyon might have called a home.

As Lyon dressed to ride out, she tried to keep her head clear. She slid on her leathers, worn but sturdy enough to serve their purpose. Lastly she took a red fabric and tied it so it covered the lower half of her face. This was not a battle where she wished to be recognized. For that reason, she also slid a helm over her head and obscured the silver locks that betrayed her heritage. Her sword soon found its way into her hand, and then into it's sheath. Her bow strapped securely to her back and a quiver belted at her hip.

Lyon took one last look at herself in the mirror, and then was off to battle.

- - -

The Dothraki raced across the plains below them, horses whinnying while their riders whooped and cried out in bloodthirsty exuberance. Lyon loved to watch the Dothraki fight. The sheer brutality of it made her wonder if the men had any fear at all for death, if they were like her and welcomed it's embrace when the time for it came.

But Lyon's thoughts did not linger on the idea of death for long. No, not when she was too busy living and feeling the wind whip past her as Drogon soared through the clouds.

It was time for revenge, and Lyon burned for it. This was for Highgarden. For Olenna. For Maergery.

- - -

The Lannister army heard them coming before they could see them. The sound of battle cries and mirthful whooping, followed by what sounded like thunder on the hillside. When the Dothraki broke over the hill there was immediate panic. Then they saw the dragon.

Drogon burst over the hill, wings splayed wide in a display of sheer majesty.

Jaime Lannister immediately took to his horse and began yelling order to his soldiers. The raised their spears and shields, gathering in formation and arming themselves. But they were too late.

While the Dothraki raced toward them, Drogon soared above the soldiers racing to arm themselves. From above came a cry imperceptible to the ear as a burst of flame escaped the maw of the dragon and engulfed the field below. The first line of Lannister soldiers fell, shrieking as the flames lapped at their flesh.

As Drogon neared the ground, a form slipped off of the creature and landed to kneel on the ground. Heavily armored like a northerner, face hidden, and a long blade at their back. She broke through the wall of flame as the Dothraki did. The horse riders broke into two streams, parting for the unknown warrior who walked through the flame as though it was nothing. She unsheathed the blade at her back, and began to run.

The Dothraki clashed with the Lannister army in a parade of whinnies and cries, steel clashed and clanged, and met with weak and unprotected flesh.

From above, Drogon soared over the battlefield, breathing fire on the carriages that held the plunder from Highgarden. Barrels and debris flew into the air as the carriages exploded, sending shrapnel flying into soldiers and knocking them down.

It was carnage. Pure carnage.

- - -

Lyon could feel it rising in her, the killing calm. It had been so long since it had washed over her like a wave, now she welcomed it. Her blade swung through soldier after soldier, parrying and delivering killing blows in swift succession. If she looked, she'd see herself going through body after body faster than even the Dothraki could, but her eyes were on the battle right before her. Every now and again, when a sparse second arose, Lyon's eyes would scan the battlefield, looking for a familiar face or another victim. It was on one of these surveys of the land that Lyon spotted it. A contraption perched upon a carriage. A giant arrowhead stuck out of the giant crossbow. Overkill for a soldier- but big enough to harm Drogon. A Scorpion.

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