Chapter 24 - Discussions

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"Our Iron Born and Dornish allies were attacked on route to Dorne." Varys told Daenerys and Lyon. They had found their way back into the throne room, where the former sat upon her throne, and the ladder lounged upon the stairs. Lyon looked as though the air had been knocked out of her.

"Vio and Toren? Were they involved?"

Varys frowned. "I'm afraid I can't say for certain. Two or three ships escaped. The rest sunk our captured. Ellaria and the sand snakes; dead or captured. The Greyjoys; dead or captured.

Daenerys' fists gripped her throne's armrests. "All of them?"

It was a mistake sending Vio and Torren to sea. Gods, she had likely gotten them killed... Finding sitting no longer preferable, Lyon stood and began to pace the room.

"Give me a ship and some able bodied men. I can sail and-"

"No," came Daenerys' firm response. It stopped Lyon in her tracks. "I need you here with me. I need your help if your brother is to bend the knee."

Lyon sighed and sat back down. "He will. He's scared, I can see it. Press it long enough and he will bend the knee. If it's white walkers, then he truly has no other choice. He knows it too, but I have to warn you that the tales about those creatures are bone chilling. You would be wise to heed his warnings."

"So he will eventually kneel, but it will take time. But I should also listen to his warnings, so what do you suggest I do?"

Lyon shrugged. "Hear him out? Speak one on one and he'll tell you what there is to know. I mean it when I say you can trust Jon. He's like me. Something tells me the whole 'King in the North' title was foisted upon him. He would never take it up willingly. So your conflict is with the people who want him there, and if you force him to bend the knee then Westeros will never ally itself with you. He has to do it willingly. Hear him out. Help him."

"You suggest 'killing him with kindness', as they say?" Varys enquired, now turning his perceptive gaze to Lyon. This time the eunuch's gaze didn't elicit the distrustful feelings she was akin to.

"Bringing violence to a foreign land is gutsy. So yes, treat Jon with kindness and kindness you will get in return."

Daenerys pursed her lips, her brow furrowed in thought. Then, she spoke. "Fine. I will heed your advice, Lyon."

"I'm glad to hear it, Your Grace." Lyon said with a low bow. The sisters shared glimpses of smiles before Lyon took her leave.

Leaving the room, Lyon passed Tyrion. No doubt leaving where she now was headed. Though her anxiety spiked when she thought about Vio and Toren, Lyon knew she had to take advantage of her brother's return. With a smile at Tyrion - and one in return from him, which made her stomach knot unexpectedly - Lyon left the keep. She emerged, hit instantly with the salty breeze as soon as she stepped outside. Taking the winding steps the led upward and toward the rocky cliffs and crags, Lyon followed the pull in her chest that led her to her brother.

Jon was standing with his back faced to her, the wind pulling the tendrils of black hair out of his face. His coats billowed in the wind, carrying the scent of pine and snow to Lyon. Her heart ached at the scent of home.

"It's different meeting you out here when there's no one else. No Dragon Queen, no advisors. Just you and me. It's like I'm seeing you for the first time." Lyon raised her voice to fight the wind, smiling when Jon heard and faced her.

"Lyon." He said, as they crossed the distance between them and wrapped each other in a warm and familiar embrace. They pulled apart to find each other grinning like madmen. Lyon grasped her brother's shoulders and held him at arm's length.

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