Chapter 26 - The Fleet

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Lyon paced the length of the beach, her eyes narrowing in on the horizon, then falling to scrutinize the sand beneath her boots. Back and forth her eyes went, never satisfied with where they landed. As if she imagined Vio's and Toren's ship somehow materializing on the horizon, or as if the sand beneath suddenly became the hard deck of a ship. Any change to the horrid waiting she had to endure, any change to this misery.

Not far from Lyon's pacing the sound of pickaxes hitting rock clanged and echoed across the cliffside. Jon's men were trying to find the horde of Dragonglass hidden beneath Dragonstone, and had been doing so for several days. Lyon had been pacing just as long. Sometimes Jon would come out and visit with her, short conversations that went nowhere. They couldn't. Not when Lyon's eyes couldn't tear away from the horizon.

It was on a slightly overcast day when a new presence interrupted Lyon's pacing.

"You'll wear out the heels of your boots if you pace any longer, Lyon. Come, walk with us." Daenerys said, coming to stop just a few paces short of Lyon. Missandei stood at Dany's side.

For what it was worth, Lyon paused. "Any word from the Unsullied?"

Daenerys and Missandei both frowned. It had been some time since the Unsullied left to take Casterly Rock, a daring move that had been Tyrion's idea. At the time, Lyon had been impressed. Now this damnable waiting was beginning to wear on her.

"Soon." Daenerys replied. "They will come back to me."

"He better." Missandei said, almost too quiet to hear. It caused Lyon to break out into a smile. Missandei had gotten close to Grey Worm in recent weeks. Lyon and Missandei hadn't spoken of it, but Lyon was a master at reading gestures. She noticed when gazes lingered a little too long, or the small hidden touches of the hand that passed between the two.

Daenerys raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Many things." Missandei grinned.

"Many things?" Dany inquired. Lyon only chuckled knowingly, eager to ehar the details from Missandei herself. She was truly happy for her and Grey Worm. It was hard to find love during a war- she was glad at least someone had.

Footsteps suddenly approached, followed by a greeting in a man's voice. "Your Grace," Jon Snow said, causing the women to turn to him. "I wanted you to see it before we started hacking it to bits."

The Dragonglass! Lyon's heart skipped a beat. She had been eager to see it for herself after so much talk of the mysterious material. 

Jon began to lead the three of them down the beach, edging closer to the cliffside where a large opening of chipped rock stretched. Inside was pitch darkness, even when Jon lit a brazier and stepped into the dark, Lyon could barely see. Soon she realized it was because the walls themselves were enveloped in a shiny pitch black - the Dragonglass.

"So, this it is, all we'll ever need." Jon said.

The Dragonglass was abundant, stretching from floor to ceiling and far as the eye could see down the cave. It was truly a marvel. It glimmered every time the fire shifted, sending sparkles down the wall until the darkness swallowed up the light.

"There is something else I want to show you, Your Grace." Jon said, this time turning to Daenerys.

Missandei an Lyon stilled, knowing it was now the business of the two rulers before them. Jon and Daenerys disappeared into the vastness of the cave, leaving Missandei and Lyon behind. Lyon's eyes followed her brother and monarch until she could see the fire light no longer.

Missandei had found a torch along the wall and lit it with the aid of another, shedding light across the cavern once more. They began to grafdually make their way to the cave entrance.

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