Chapter 20 - The Trial

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When the Unsullied eventually came for Lyon, she didn't put up a fight. It was the morning they were to leave for Dragonstone, the journey having been put off for long enough. Lyon had gone to the docks to speak with Toren and Vio about the journey, but it wasn't long before the sound of Unsullied marching was heard heading toward them, Grey Worm leading the troupe that came to arrest her. She met the warrior's cold gaze without flinching. She hadn't expected kindness in his gaze, but his eyes were cold and unforgiving.

"Do what you have to do." Lyon said. Vio and Toren cried out in protest, but Lyon was roughly seized by her arms and dragged away. Vio and Toren were quickly grabbed, and soon they were being led forward by the Unsullied. The steps leading to Daenerys' throne room had never seemed so daunting. It was quiet. Each face that looked upon her worse expressions of utter disgust, but as Lyon was brought before Daenerys Targaryen, she did not falter. Not when she was forced to her knees before her and saw Raphael looking down at her from Daenerys' side. In the queen's hand was a tightly clutched journal.

"You are charged with conspiring against your queen. Treason. What have you to say?" Daenerys' voice was even and calm, though her knuckles were white. Lyon met her eyes, all too aware of the Unsullied soldiers standing at each side of her, and littered through the room. She avoided Tyrion's eyes, which were trained on her and filled with emotion. Why? They asked. What were you thinking?

"I am innocent. I would never conspire against my queen." Lyon said, meeting Daenerys' eyes.

"Liar," Raphael hissed. Daenerys lifted a hand and he was silenced.

"This," she lifted the journal. "Was found in your quarters." Daenerys flung the book across the floor, and it skidded to a stop before Lyon.

"Ah, my diary."

"It goes back some time, to when you first began to plot to gain my trust so you could usurp me." Daenarys had been trying to be impartial, but she couldn't hide the venom that dripped from her voice. Lyon raised an eyebrow, then took the book from the floor and flipped it open. True to Daenerys' word, each page was filled with entries of dates past. Entries that spanned from her time in King's Landing all leading up to an entry from the night prior. Her eyes scanned several of the excerpts, and she raised her eyes to Raphael.

"You found this?" She asked Raphael.

"Open on your desk, next to battle plans and nonsense."

"It's math, not nonsense, uncle." Lyon snorted, then tossed the book to the floor. "But you're right. I did write this. Several nights ago, in fact."

"So you admit it." Daenerys seethed, her violet eyes darkening as they fell on Lyon. Any other might have cowered beneath that gaze, but Lyon had no fear of fire.

"I admit I wrote it. Not that I'm conspiring against you. This journal is a work of fiction."

Daario, from his spot at the side of the room, spoke up. "You're trying to tell us you wrote about committing treason, but you are innocent of that very same crime?"

Lyon nodded. "Correct."

"You can't be serious." Raphael laughed aloud, the cocky smirk on his face never faltering. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Was it ridiculous when you killed my mother? Hm? Was it? How about when you sold her out to Joffrey Baratheon and told him just what blood runs through my veins? You expected me to die, dear uncle, but I have news for you. If death comes for me, it will come for you first." Lyon's lips curled, baring gleaming teeth in a wolfish snarl. "Yes, I wrote that diary. Knowing it would be you who found it, Raphael. I just can't believe you were stupid enough not to see it as a trap. After all, it leaves out a very important detail of my time in Essos."

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