"What's the point? They always win, and nothing gets done, so why fight at all? It's pointless," Jake muttered.

Miley listened to him intently, before speaking again.

"Do you feel hopeless?" she asked.

"Yeah, kinda," Jake said, looking at her.

Miley nodded. She understood that feeling as well. It ate away at her everyday.

Suddenly, something clicked in her mind.

"Maybe they don't have to win all the time," she said.

Jake raised an eyebrow.


"I could train you to fight. I'm good at it, so I should be able to teach you, if that's okay with you," Miley blushed, playing with her hair.

"Yeah. That's great actually!" Jake answered, "What would you teach me?"

"The same fighting styles I use," Miley said.

"So what you just did?" Jake asked.

Miley nodded.

"So when do we start?" Jake asked her.

"Is Saturday good?" she suggested.

"Umm, yeah! I have nothing to do that day," Jake answered.

"Then I think we have a plan," Miley said, taking her hands off his shoulder as they stopped glowing.

"That should heal most of your injuries. Sorry I couldn't heal it all," Miley apologized.

"It's fine, you did your best. My mom would freak out if I came home the way I did," Jake said as he laughed a little.

Miley smiled and got up.

"Wanna walk home?" she asked, extending her hand toward him.

Jake looked up at her and accepted her hand, and they began walking down the street.

They walked in silence, before Miley spoke again.

"Hey Jake. Can I ask you for something?" Miley asked him quietly.

"Yeah, you can."

"If I teach you how to fight, can you teach me Spanish?"

Jake stopped and looked at her.

"Hmm, why?" he questioned her.

"I don't know, just..." Miley started, before speaking again.

"Being Mexican in California and not knowing Spanish feels weird, you know?" she finished, blushing.

"Oh. Yeah, I understand that. So it's like a trade then?"

"Mmhm, if you want to," Miley answered.

"Okay," Jake said.

"Really?" Miley asked, sounding somewhat surprised. Jake swore he could see her eyes light up.

"Yeah, really," he answered.

"Thank you," Miley said, smiling at him.

"Anytime," Jake said, before looking right. His house stood in front of them, dwarfing the two kids.

"This is my stop," he said, walking up the small steps.

"Will you be okay?" Miley called after him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. But my dad's probably gonna be like this."

Jake cleared his throat before imitating his dad.

"Why didn't you beat his ass, mijo?" Jake said in a deep accented voice, earning a laugh from Miley. Not a giggle, a laugh.

Burnt House Hill (RainbowCaliber GX Story #0)Where stories live. Discover now