Prologue- !÷@)

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-Hey author here, I hope you enjoy the story! Also who do you want to be her first girlfriend? Also can you decipher the name of the prologue?





Ships in my story

Izumi(Natsuku's 'sister') X Hospital bed



Rei x Mitsuki

Ms. Joke x Midnight x Mt. Lady(Maybe)

Aizawa x mic

Now onto the story.

-Natsuku's POV-

"Shit! ... St... with... me!"




"Wha... T... Fuc... Happ...?!"





'W-hat happened?'

I opened my eyes only to see that I am floating in a black void with flames almost everywhere.

I try to look around only to find out that I couldn't move, not even my muscle.

"Do you wish to continue living child?" A male voice rings out. I can't see who said that cause it sounded like it came from everywhere.

'What?' I question in my head trying to see if I recognized the male voice, only to come up with nothing.

This voice was not familiar at all. The voice just sounds demonic. Did I die and got to hell?

"Just answer the question." The voice rings out again.

'Do I want to live? My life was shitty but... Okay there was nothing good in my life that I can think of. Then again there is people who has or had a worse life then me. I want to help but... I just don't think that being a hero is worth it anymore. There is one last thing I could try though. So yes I do want to live again.' I think hoping that he could hear my thoughts.

"Very well child. I hope you know that this comes at a cost. That is your humanity. The cost of your humanity means that you have to become the reaper of hell and to do that you have to kill demons. You will be their judgement and executioner. Do you still wish to go through with this?" The voice seems to be worried. I wonder why. Well I don't need to worry about that right now.

'Yes I do'

"Very well" The voice answers after a few seconds. "Find the others who have made this same deal. Good luck little one."

I feel myself blackout.

???'s POV:

I pace around the hospital, trying to calm my nerves. But the look of that girls injuries made me worry if she would even survive.

Also what the fuck is wrong with Mustafu? When that girl hit the water there was a ton of high school witnesses. They were talking about being heroes and someone named Bakugou. Saying something about a person or maybe a forest before this happened.

They seemed to keep glancing at a roof near by. I just thought that they were waiting for someone.

What got my attention was yelling coming from the roof, A loud mouth male. A few seconds later a huge explosion happening sending someone off the building and into the river.

You would expect screaming from the teenagers but when I looked at them they seemed happy and amused, cheering on whomever the male was on the roof. I managed to snap out of my shock caused by the teenagers reaction and dive into the water to save the person who fell into the water.

When I pulled them out of the water the teenagers were gone. It didn't matter to me as my main focus was the person I rescued.

The person was a female with black hair and green highlights. She looked to be around 12 or 13 years old, and a bit malnourished. She was heavily injured on the left side of her body. I am not sure if it will scar or not, it looks like she will survive this if I get her help.

I quickly checked the girl for a pulse, she luckily had one. It was faint but she had one, her injuries are bleeding quickly.

I stopped the bleeding the best I can with the things I had one me and called an ambulance. They arrived quickly and took her to the hospital, while trying their best to keep the girl alive.

Which is where we are now, I have blood on my clothes and still drenched with water. I have little to no concern for that though. 

I let out a deep breath and stop my pacing to sit down. Pulling out my phone, I call one of my close friends, Shota Aizawa.




"Hello?" A voice answers in a gruff tired voice.

"Hey Shota it's me." I respond to the gruff voice that belonged to my friend, Aizawa Shota. "Look something came up. I need you to get someone to take over my patrol for the Mustafu area. I'll explain everything later okay?" I get a sigh before he agrees with me.

I can hear a grunt before he answers me. "Fine, but you owe me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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