Peter Likes Dementors

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Peter Pettigrew cried behind the bars of his Azkaban cell. Today he was getting the Dementors Kiss. Now usually, Peter would be overjoyed to receive a kiss, but this particular Dementor had been taunting him for days, standing outside his cell and sucking the life out of him, and then spitting it all back out in order to make the rat man relive all his most terrible moments.

But little did Peter know why this Dementor did this.

2 weeks earlier

"You see, Lord Dementor, I know you have a...fascination... with Peter Pettigrew, so, in return for your species loyalty, we are willing to give him to you as your bride."

Lord Dementor thought about this. The man's misery had been amusing, and he had been looking for a new bride to bear children... the man would be lovely to eat afterwards... so why not?

"Agreeable..." Lord Dementor hissed out, his hideous smile damn near giving the old fool called Minister Fudge a heart attack.

Current Time

"Peter Pettigrew, it is time." The Auror laughed, grabbing the rat man by his arm and dragging him out of the cell.

"W-wait! We can talk this out, I'm willing to pay if you so happen to 'misplace' me?" Peter whimpered when the Auror slapped him.

"Shut up, Asshole. Ain't nobody gon misplace yo ugly ass." The auror growled and pulled him forward. 

The eventually arrived to a large, empty room in the center of the prison. Dementors surronded all sides and in the middle the tallest Dementor stood.

'That's my taunter,' Peter thought, 'That's the dementor who's gonna get my soul.'

"Peter Pettigrew, you were sentenced 5 years in Azkaban, then you were to receive the Dementor's Kiss. But you have gotten lucky,"

Peter's eyes lit up. They were letting him go?! Thank Merlin! He knew Dumbledore wouldn't let him go, Peter was to valuable. He was the one who made Dumbledore's plan to get Lily and James killed work. He was the one who delivered the most valuable information on Voldemort and Harry Potter to the headmaster. Of course he would be let go! Dumbledore was just bidding his time, and now he was free!

"We have struck a deal with Lord Dementor. You will become his bride in exchange for the dementors loyalty. You better be thankful to Lord Dementor for seeing you as useful, because I certainly don't." Fudge sneered, slamming his gavel down.

Wait, What?! Dumbledore wasn't saving him?! How could he!

Peter stared at the Dementor in front of him in shock. A bride. Peter Pettigrew, who was better than them all, a... dementors... bride...?

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