Hot Werewolf And Dog Does IT With Bat

348 12 3


Rope Kink

Praise Kink

Spanking Kink

Master Kink 

Man x Man x Man

Dominant!Sirius and Remus


Chaotic Harry Pottah



Severus Snape was pissed.

Harry Potter, the oblivious-idiot-who-is-somehow-still-alive, the speck-of-dust-in-human-form, the ugly-fuck-that-made-his-life-a-living-hell, decided it was a good idea to tease him mercilessly for weeks, sending pictures of Sirius Black that made the man look particularly delectable and photos of Remus Lupin doing normal, everyday things, but from the way the pictures were taken the man might as well been trying to get the people around him horny.

"Sevy, Sevy, Sevy, oooo yeah, Sevy!" The brat sang, twiddling a thick envelop, no doubt full of pictures of even thicker men.

"The hell do you want, Satan's Spawn?" The Potions Master hissed, glaring at him.

"Oh, y'know, just delivering your weekly batch of fresh, delicious porn. Do you have some treacle tart?" 

"No, but I do have a front door you can walk out of and I'd be so grateful if you did!"

"Aw, Sevy Wevy, so rude to your loving postal boy! But I guess I'll leave so you can get to fapping."

"I hate you with every bone in my body."

"Isn't it, 'I hate you with all of my heart and soul?'"

"I don't have either of those, so how I am suppose to use them to hate you?"

"Or is it just that you have hopelessly fallen in love with me?"

"I'd fall in love with The Red-Headed Hen before I'd ever even consider falling in love with your chaotic ass."

"Ouch, that stings."

"It was meant to burn, but stinging works too. As long as you suffer."

"...I'm telling Sirius and Remus you're the one who stole their sweaters."


"THEN SAY YOU LOVE ME!" Potter screeched, making a heart with his hands and holding it up to his lips.

"I... tolerate... you." Severus huffed, turning his head away. Damned brat and his damned curiosity and his damned good photo taking skills.

"AHA! I KNEW IT! Okay here's your porn bye~!" Harry threw the envelope at Severus and basically twirled his way to the fireplace, throwing in the floo powder and shouting "Number 12 Grimmauld Place!", then leaped into the green flames.

"Damned child and his damned energy, damn him and all deities that favor him," Severus hissed, frowning at the floor, "And I was talking about you, Death, and your annoying persistence at keeping me alive longer than I want to be!"

Severus bent down to pick up the envelope, looking around his house before opening it. Yeah, he lived alone in a 3 story mansion and his house is heavily warded so it's not like anyone could get in without his knowledge. Well, anyone except Dumbledore. That man has an annoying habit of turning up in the center (and sometimes corner) of any room he wishes. It pissed the dungeon bat off greatly.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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