Chapter 42: Guilt

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I silently moaned as the warm water cascaded down my body, soothing the sore muscles of my shoulder and thighs. Last night was a real workout for me and my whole body ached but more than my body, my vagina was legit screaming. I could imagine it cursing me for going at it for 5 hours without thinking of it once.

I'm sorry but Jisoo's dick is priority.

I groaned as I took a step towards the rack holding the bottles of shampoo. Every step hurt. But it was worth it. Hehehehe.

Jessica and Kyle were returning today and I was ina pretty good mood and didn't want to see their dumb faces. Fucking bitches. I stepped out of the bathroom after 15 minutes of justmentally preparing myself for the day ahead. Yes, each dayshould start with a 15 minute prep talk in the shower. I don't make the rules.

I blow dried my hair and pulled on a pair of high waisted
black jeans and a pretty lavender coloured cropped sweater.I  slipped on my converse, grabbed my phone and walked out of my room. Jisoo's door was slightly ajar and I heard rustling inside. I pushed it open a little and smiled, staring at his back as he pulled on a grey tee. My eyes travelled down to his ass and I smirked. I slowly tiptoed my way to him and spanked him.

Jisoo let out a squeal.

I bursted out laughing as he turned around to look at me with wide golden brown eyes. He blushed and pushed his glasses up, avoiding my gaze. Awwww.

"Good morning, sunshine! " I smiled gleefully.

"Good morning uh.. Jen. " I frowned at his tone.

"What happened?"

He avoided my eyes and turned around to find the cloth to wipe his glasses on.

"Jisoo, I asked you someth-"

"Why did you leave last night?" He murmured.

My heart broke a little at the pure sadness behind his words.

He couldn't even meet my gaze. As if he was embarrassed to ask me that. How could I tell this guy that we shouldn't be cuddling? How could I tell him that I was scared? How could I tell him that I wasn't ready for this? How could I tell him that it broke my heart to leave him last night? How could I tell him that I love him?

"Jisoo, according to what we agreed upon, we shouldn't be doing this. All the cuddling and the mushy mushy shit we do, it needs to stop." I looked down, not wanting to look at him. My heart ached as I said all this but I couldn't continue to give him hopes. I cared about him and I didn't want to loose him. A relationship would ruin it all.

"Shit is bound to go wrong if we continue this, we decided on sex, let's keep it there. I don't want to complicate things between us."

So many shades of hurt crossed Jisoo's face and all I wanted to do was vanish from there. It hurt me to do this. But I wasn't easy to love and I didn't know how to love. The difference between mine and Jisoo's personalities would cause problems and I

"So this is just sex?" He asked next, his voice small and low.

I didn't want to talk about this right now.

"Jisoo, I-"

"l'd like a straight answer. " He said. His tone was now
chillingly calm. Like he was almost on the verge of an

"Jisoo, listen to me. We agreed on sex. Why do y-"

"Why can't you just answer me?" He then proceeded to take several steps towards me until he was all in my face. I looked up into his angry eyes and wanted the ground to just swallow me up. "Is this just sex to you?"

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