Chapter 23: Reveal

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"Why are you walking like that?" Hanbin asked me as I tried to subtly wobble my way across our apartment. It was Thursday and Han was visiting us. Hanbin and Jisoo had a talk about what had previously happened and now, they were on good terms. Hanbin didn't take it all too seriously and I couldn't thank god enough for that. I wouldn't be able to live with the fact that I broke a friendship.

To answer Han's question, I was walking funnily because Jisoo had worked his magic with them fingers that morning and my vagina hurt.

I blushed slightly and looked down, allowing my hair to
tumble down slightly and cover my cheeks. Hanbin saw that and stood up at lightening speed from the couch he was seated on.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BLUSHING? OH MY LORD, DID YOU TAKE AWAY THE LITTLE GIRL'S VIRGINITY FINNALLLLYY?" He yelled and I ran to him throwing him back down on the couch and placed my hand on his loud mouth.

"What the fuck, hanbin?" I hissed, almost laughing at his
exclamation. He peeled my hand off and smirked at me.

"He's huge ain't he?"

I walked to the other couch and fell on it with a thud.


"Like, I don't get it. That guy is way too fucking blessed man. I mean, come on. He's got everything already and he also has a huge dick? Like... Is life even fair anymore?" Hanbin leaned back with a sigh and I laughed at his lamenting self.

Before I could retort, Jisoo walked in with a book. He caught my eye, blushed first and then smirked at me. He was getting very comfortable and used to this whole situation of ours. He was getting more and more teasing and open.

And to answer the question in the back of your minds, Jisoo fingered me yesterday night and today morning and I squirted today morning. Yes, I sucked his dick after that. He earned it. I mean, how many virgins can make a girl squirt with just their fingers? I think it's only this little Bolognese here.

"Here you go. It has kimmy's number too." Jisoo informed hanbin as the latter went through the thick book. It looked to be some sort of diary. Who is Kimmy.

"K man. Thanks, Mr. Hugedickson." Hanbin bowed and started making his way out. I laughed at the nickname as Jisoo flushed and narrows his eyes han's jolly form. Hanbin walked past me not before giving me a High five.

"Get that dick, Gurl." Hanbin yelled as he slammed the door. What. Even.

Jisoo glanced at me and surprised me by throwing his head back and laughing. "I'm sorry. He has this weird obsession with my penis."

"Yeah I can tell. When did he see you naked tho?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. Jisoo frowned at me and rapidly shook his head.

"Not what you're thinking woman. We were in the gym once and I was having a shower after my workout. He just came and snatched the curtain open because he wanted to tell me something important. Fucker, couldn't wait till l was done."

I laughed at him and inquired about the book.

"Oh yeah. That diary has all the numbers of our friends from last year who've gone abroad now.'

I barked a laugh,"A diary?"

He scratched his nape, "Don't ask me about that. That's how I functioned last year."

I laughed and glanced at the watch. It was almost time.

"It's nearing 5:30. Let's go?"

"Yeah. You sure she said 5:30?"

I nodded and we made our way out. Soon, we were in front of Hazel's door. We'd promised to babysit Maya while Hazel went out on a date. I was happy she was finally brave enough to look for love again.

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