Chapter 36: And The Drama Continues

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I believe in annoyed at first sight.

Annoyance did strike me when I saw Ann for the first time. Annoyance still hits me whenever I see her babyy face. Her face was so innocent, it was insane. At first glance, she looked like someone who wouldn't hurt a fly or someone who'd agree to eat strawberry pizza because their date liked it. In reality though, she was a raging insane psycho.

I watched as her eyes turned glassy.

Don't smile, don't smile, don't smile. I kept chanting this
mantra in my head because I was literally 2 seconds away from actually smirking and laughing my ass off.
She'd heard everything.

I felt happiness knowing that she'd heard all of it. She now knew what was really happening. In a way, I was also worried. She'd try to do something to sabotage everything. She just couldn't let this slide. She had heard the guy she was obsessed with, fuck another girl's brains out.

"How could you?" she looked down and whispered.

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. I burst out laughing.
She was talking as if they were together and this whole
conversation was going to lead to a break up of some sort (hope it would. Oh wait, this is Ann).

Both of their heads snapped to mine and I tried to shut up. Jisoo's face was void of any sort of emotion. Ann, on the hand now had tears streaming down her face.

I stopped laughing after some time.

"Ann-" Jisoo began to speak but she stopped him.

She turned to me with an angry glare. I crossed my arms over my chest and returned the glare.

"You fucking WHORE!"

I kept my face blank. This wasn't the first time someone had called me a whore. I was used to it by now. Also, I didn't want to show Ann any reaction. She wanted to evoke some anger or something from me but I wasn't going to have it today.

"Yes, Ann. You were saying?" I smiled at her.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" Ann screeched, her voice rising a few decibals.

"Holy shit, Lower your voice." I winced.

"Ann." Jisoo stated firmly. Her teary face snapped to him.

"What I do is none of your business. Jennie didn't force me to do anything. I wanted to." Jisoo defended himself properly for the first time.

"But... But... What I heard in there...that's not you..." she
whispered, more tears streaming down. Lord, stop crying.

Jisoo blushed at her statement and scratched his nape.

"Ann, what we do is not any of your business. No one asked you to stand outside and listen to everything. Do you have interfere with everything Jisoo decides to do?

"You BITCH! You changed him! Jisoo was mine! He was sweet! What I heard in there wasn't Jisoo!"

A laugh bubbled from my mouth "Well if you didn't like what you heard and if you feel like your dear Jisoo has changed, why don't you leave him alone for once?

She walked towards me with firm, angry steps, a hand raised.

Jisoo was quick to stand infront of me. My eyes trailed over his back as he blocked Ann.

"Ann, this is getting ridiculous! You need to stop! " Jisoo was beyond done. I could tell with the tone of his voice. He was fed up. Honestly, I would've been fed up a long damn time ago.

"Why are you siding with her?" Ann almost shouted in

"Why do you side with this skank always? You can do so much better! I thought you loved me! I thought we had something going! Why do you go to this whore? She probably has a million STD already, the little bitch. And what has she done to you? Why we-"

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