45: Don't say that!! She's not dead!!

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Tom threw her to the ground forcefully "You completed your part of the bargain. I don't need you anymore." He spat. He really don't want to do this but he is angry as hell and if she gets to live, she will always create trouble for him. "Avada Kedavra!" He threw the spell at her before turning into black smoke and flying out the window.

Josette's body started to hurt badly as she screamed in agony. The pain was much much worse than the torture curse or any pain she has felt before. She's the Goddess of death, killing curse doesn't work on her completely but it does push her to the boundary. If not treated she would die in few hours because of the pain.

Moody gasped as he saw the green light hit her and Tom escaped. He ran towards her and to his surprise she was still breathing but was unconscious. He didn't wait for others as he quickly picked her up and ran outside, apparating to St. Mungo's.

The rest of the aurors caught 7 death eaters but 3 of them escaped with Voldemort. But it was still a great capture. They searched the Manor and sealed it and arrested Mr. Lestrange for giving the Dark Lord shelter in his house and supporting the death eaters.


29 December: Potter House.

9 days since Meredith's death and its been very hard on the Marauders. Remus he rarely comes out of his room though it helped when he talked with Jenna, sharing his pain.

James is slowly coming to the terms that he will never see his sister again. He's there for Remus and Sirius during the day, holding hopes for them. But at night only Lily knows what he goes through. Lily and James comfort eachother, not allowing the other to loose hopes.

Sirius wrote a hundreds of letter to Regulus hoping he would answer at least one of them. And now Sirius is doubting that his brother is also involved in this. He spends his day in Josette's room and going through her stuff, that was the only thing that gave him comfort.

He visited Idony, hoping if she got any news about her, as the Knockturn Alley is always filled with death eaters and if any word got out about Josette she would know but no vail. Sirius got multiple tattoos on his body on one drunk night, hoping this pain would cease the one he was feeling since her disappearance for which he got an earful from Mia.

Regulus got orders to stay in his house all the time from Voldemort. Everyone knows Josette was last seen with him and they will obviously question him so, it's best to not leave the house at all. He is feeling guilty for what he did. He tries to find where they have kept her, at least he could write a letter to his brother giving him the location.

As of now, Sirius is in her room reading the dairy he found in her trunk. It's not exactly a dairy but a small book with many names written on it. Sirius was confused, he didn't know what the names meant or why she had written it.

They were the names of people Josette had kill. She looks into that, every soul in the book finds peace. She goes around fulfilling their last wishes, it helps with the guilt. Most of the names are crossed out but some are still remaining.

Sirius was on the last page when James barged into the room. "They found her!!" He grinned through tears.

Sirius looked at him in shock not believing him for a second "Really??" He croaked. James nodded and both ran downstairs where everyone was waiting for them.

"She's alive!!" Remus smiled and hugged him.

"Where is she??" Sirius asked.

"St. Mungo's, just got a letter from Moody." Mia said.

They wasted no time, apparating to the hospital as soon as the words left Mia's mouth. What they saw, however, made them wish they hadn't.

Josette was lying on a bed, she was so pale and thin with blood covering her whole body that they could see her bones. A team of healers over her, casting different spells and injecting different potions into her bloodstream.

Everyone was silent, but it was interrupted by Lily taking in a sharp breath and turning to James, grasping her boyfriend's hand tightly and Mia pulled both of them into her chest. Peter stood silent looking at his friend through tears. Remus pulled Sirius into a tight hug, feeling the way he was shaking.

Fleamont walked up to Madeye "What hannened?" he asked, his eyes not leaving the girls figure.

"Voldemort took her hostage in the Lestrange Manor. She rescued a team of aurors and helped catch seven death eaters." Moody explained "What I don't understand is, she was hit by the killing curse from Voldemort and she's still breathing."

Everyone gasped after hearing that "Killing curse?" Sirius whispered. Josette was hit by a bloody killing curse!!

"Is she going to be okay??" James asked.

"We don't know. She's barely breathing." A healer replied.

"Merlin!!" Sirius broke down into tears as James hugged him tightly. He had a very bad feeling that he is going to loose her and he doesn't want that.

"Goddess." Remus suddenly said and everyone looked at him in confusion. "She's the Goddess of death herself that's why the killing curse didn't effect her completely." Everyones confusion grew more.

"I think you are right." Moody nodded.

"Can anyone explain us??" Lily chimed in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Potter." Gideon Prewett came upto Fleamont. "Miss Hart, said to give this to you if she doesn't make it out alive from the manor."

"Don't say that!! She's not dead!!" Sirius snapped.

"My apologies but I thought I should give this. She said it's the truth and she wants you all to know." He handed them a vial containing her memories.

"Pensieve?? Do they have one here??" Monty asked as Mad-eye nodded and led them all to a different room where there was a huge pensieve. The Hospital usually uses it to go through their patients memory to learn about their past problems.

"You sure want to see this??" Remus asked.

"I do." Sirius nodded.

Goddess of Death. Sirius Black |Marauders Era| Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt