"Well, you could just tell me. I'd just gotten a new one for you."

"He doesn't deserve a new console, Dad!" Matteo cried.

"Yeah, after he stole ours!" Leo agreed.

Evander flipped them off with a snort, earning a stern glance from his father.

Kingsley sighed and waved his hands. "It's not that big deal. I'm going to the downstairs kitchen and all of you will be following me where I can keep my eyes on you." He gave his son pointed looks.

All of them groaned.


"Please, dad," Leo begged. "It'll take just take thirty minutes, tops."

"Twenty minutes, even," Matteo added.

Kingsley sighed for the thousandth time. "For the last time, I said no. That's final!"

"Why don't you guys just order the shoes online," Ava suggested.

Both boys groaned and shook their heads. "It's not the same. It is the brand new ones."

Evander snorted as he stuffed his mouth with another bite of pancakes. Matteo and Leo glared at him before turning their pleasing, puppy eyes on their dad who didn't seem on the verge of changing his mind.

"I have a lot of things to work on today," Kingsley said. "And you spoiled brats already have three  closets full of shoes."

"But not this one," Leo argued. Kingsley shook his head in disbelief to himself.

"What about you, mom?" Matteo instantly brightened. "Can you take us, instead?"

"Mother's full term pregnant." Dominic, who was sitting next to his father, chimed in with a stern glance. "She needs rest without you guys yapping your mouths around."

Ava smiled gently at his eldest son, finding his concern for her mother adorable.

"Last time I checked, you're not boss of us," Leo grumbled. Matteo nodded his head.

"Not yet." Dominic sent them a smirk, twirling a knife around his plate, thinking how much he'd enjoy his future authority on how brothers to come in his future as the heir of the American Mafia.

The twins scowled.

"Guys," Ava held out her hand before things could go out of hand. "I'll go. It's all right, I ought to get some time outside of this man is on before the baby comes and take all of my time and energy."

The twins let out some cheers.

Dominic shook his head in displeasure.

"I don't like this." Kingsley shook his head. "The other gangs had been stirring up some kinds of dramas and you're my pregnant wife and two young boys out there wandering around alone..."

Dominic gave him a firm nod of agreement.

"I won't be alone," Ava reassured him. "I and the boys have the bodyguards. We will be all right."

Kingsley hesitated before nodding his head once. He could never resist the pleading eyes of his wife.

"You want to join us?" Ava asked Evander and Dominic and they declined.

"Have fun." Evander kissed her mother's cheeks and two slaps on his twin little brothers' heads before skipping upstairs. Dominic gave her a quick hug and a stern glance at the twins before following his brother upstairs.

As Ava stood at the threshold of the foyer and waited for the twins to get dressed, Kingsley entered with a small smile playing across his lips.

"Hey, love." He gave her a peck of the lips and Ava smiled against them. "I'm going to work and I probably won't be home until late so don't wait up for me. You need anything?"

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